Idioms 1
Idioms 2
Inferences 2
Inferences 2
Mystery Category!

Back to the drawing board 

Try something again 


Come rain or shine 

no matter what, something that will definitely happen


Joey had broccoli on his plate at dinner. He picked a piece up and ate it, then spit it right back out onto his plate! how can you infer Joey feels about broccoli

He does not like it! 


In their car, they packed sandwiches, flip-flops, bathing suits, and towels. Where do you infer they are going? 

The beach or the pool 


Inference! Emma walked into the house, shaking her wet umbrella and kicking off her boots. She sighed as she glanced at the pile of soaked jackets by the door. what can you infer the weather is outside?



Hold your horses 

wait, slow down 


Bite off more than you can chew 

try to do more than you can handle 


Inside the haunted house, Omar saw a skeleton that jumped out at him. He ran aways screaming! How can you infer Omar was feeling during this time? 

He was scared! 


The teacher asked a question to the class, and everyone but Thomas raised their hands. What can you infer about Thomas? 

He does not know the answer to the question 


Idiom! Making a mountain out of a mole hill

making a big deal out of something 


Kill two birds with one stone 

solve two problems with one action, for example by walking to school you kill two birds with one stone, save money on gas and get exercise


get your act together 

organize yourself, behave 


The soccer team was smiling and jumping up and down after the championship game. What do you think happened during the game to make them feel this way? 

they won the game! 


George was on the playground and he asked a group of students to play with them. After he asked, he walked inside crying. What can you infer happened after he asked to play based on this? 

The students said he couldn't play with them


Fact or opinion! Fridays are the best day of school because the weekend is coming up 



Once in a blue moon 

something that rarely happens 


Don't cry over spilled milk 

don't be sad over something so little or not a big deal 


Sally was crying and had a scrape on her knee after playing on the monkey bars outside. What can you infer happened to Sally on the monkey bars 

she fell off 


Luke was making food, he ate cereal, and pancakes and drank a glass of orange juice. What time do you infer that Luke was eating this meal? 

In the morning! it was breakfast! 


Inference! What can you infer is Ms. Abby's favorite color?



Hit the nail on the head 

get something exactly right 


go the extra mile 

do something above and beyond, work very hard 

Jack walked outside and saw flowers blooming, the sun in the sky and the leaves growing on the trees around him. What season can you infer it is? 



When the students walked out of school, the sun was shining, it was hot outside and they were all so excited they wouldn't have to come back to school for 3 whole months! What can you infer is happening? 

Its summer break! 


Idiom! Actions speak louder than words 

actions don't actually speak, but what a person does tells you. lot about them, more than what they say