Program Models
Language Development
L2 Development

What type of bilingual program is the most effective?

A. Two-way/dual language

B. Early-exit bilingual program

c. English submersion program

What is two-way immersion/Dual language?


Explain what phonology is. Then give an example of how phonology may be incorporated in a lesson.

The sound system of language.


Skinner proposed the behavorist model (language learning through imitation). What might this look like?

Children learn language by imitating of other children or adults.


Give an example of how information can be transferred from L1 to L2.

providing instruction in L1 enhances acquisition o L2



What should multicultural education look like in your classroom?

through use of multicultural books

labeling classroom object in different languages


What is the difference between an additive and subtractive bilingual program?

Additive: adds language

Subtractive: takes language away


What is syntax? Then give an example of how it could be incorporated into a lesson.

The arrangement of words and phrases. It is closely related to grammar.


Children test their hypothesis during "rule finding," but sometimes they over generalize. For instance, "eated." Give another example of another overgeneralization a child might say.



What are BICS and CALP? Why are each important?

BICS: basic interpersonal communication skills

CALP: cognitive academic language proficiency


What was the Lau v. Nichols case about?

1800 language minority children in San Fransisco were being denied of equal opportunities because they were placed in English only classrooms.


What is a submersion English program? Is it good or bad? Why?

Submersion: surrounded by English only


What is code-switching?

Alternating between one or more languages or dialects within a given utterance.


Name at least three things you can do to make input comprehensible.

Speak slowly

Use simple vocabulary and short sentences.

Avoiding pausing before the end of the sentence.

Exaggerating intonation and raising pitch.



What is the affective filter? Is it better to have a high or low affective filter? Why?

Affective filter: Anxiety, self doubt, and boredom can act like a wall which "filters" language learning.

Better to have a low filter (allows more information in)


Give two examples of how tests may be biased against ELL students.

Tests reference topics only known to students taught traditionally in the United States.



Why is it, or is it not beneficial for Spanish speaking persons to encourage English only in the home?

Spanish speaking parents should be encouraged to maintain their native language, so that the child can become fully bilingual.


What is a dialect? Name at least two factors that can influence one's dialect.

A variant of a language.

Region, ethnicity, social class


Put these stages of first language development in order: two word utterances, cooing, babbling, one word utterances, crying, expanded syntax.

Crying, cooing, babbling, one word utterances, two word utterances, expanded syntax.


What are the advantages of learning an L2 at a younger age? What are some of advantages of learning an L2 at an older age?

Advantages of younger: better pronunciation, better grammar intuitions, high ultimate attainment

Advantages of older: able to learn and apply rules more quickly


Describe the audio lingual approach.

Practice and memorization of situation based dialogue.

Drills to reinforce the major patterns in dialogue

Conversation with the native speaker about the dialogue.


What are the two main objectives for ESL and bilingual students? *Hint think about the standards used four your lesson plans

Learn content area

Learn English


Should students be encouraged to speak standard, nonstandard dialects or both? Why?

Students should be encouraged to speak standard English in the work place


What is the difference between acquiring a language and learning a language?

-Acquisition: Picking up a language subconsciously in informal environment.

-Learning: Learning a language or learning about a language in a formal setting (e.g. the classroom).


What is the Monitor theory?

L2 learners monitor their speech (internal editor).


What is assimilation? Is it good or bad?

Assimilation="Americanization" (melting pot)

Pluralism-everyone makes a contribution while maintaining individuality.