What political party did the Sniper belong to in the short story
What is Republican
One of the unit themes in our class
What is
surviving/overcoming chaos
Don't let your Past define your future
The Promethean is also known as this
What is a Smart Board
The reason why an author writes what they write
What is Authors Purpose
The "Enemy" target in "The Sniper"
Who is/was his brother
An assignment that has (CL) nest to it is available where
What is CommonLit
Shortcut to locate a word in a text document or website
What is Control-F
These words describe what from the authors perspective: Entertaining, Witty, Calm, Hostile
What is Tone
This happened to the main character in "To build a fire"
What is He froze to death
You have 6 days to turn in an assignment. You were absent this many days.
What is 5 days
This is a daily Double
What software tracks attendance and class grades
The highest appointed poet in the country
What is Poet Laureate
This is a daily Double
Who did the young boy represent on the Powerade commercial?
You have this amount of time to go to the restroom and return
What is 6 minutes
Used to validate grammar and spelling usually in word processing documents
What is grammar or spell check
Well known area of Richmond Virginia that we read about
What is Jackson Ward
Used to outline the expectations of a writing assignment
What is a Rubric
The location of most all software that is used in class
What is Clever
What are Thoughtful Honorable Inspiring and Safe
Once created, this gives credit to the author within a written work
What is a citation or in-text citation
A tool used to analyze similarities, and differences between texts, items, characters etc.
What is a Venn Diagram
This symbol ©
What is Copyright