1. I am the Lord your God: You shall not have strange _______ before me.
6. You shall not commit _____.
Find the Chapter number in the following: (Jeremiah 1:5)
What does the church celebrate at Easter?
Jesus rising from the dead
True or False: After 4th grade PREP ends, I can forget everything I learned here.
2. You shall not take the _____ of the Lord your God in vain.
7. You shall not ______.
What do we remember on Holy Thursday at Mass?
The Last Supper and / or the Washing of the Apostles feet
True or False: After school lets out for summer, I don't have to go to church until the fall when PREP starts again.
3. Remember to keep Holy the _____ _____.
Lord's Day
8. You shall not bear false witness against your ______.
Old Testament and New Testament
What happened on Good Friday over 2000 years ago?
Jesus being crucified / death
True or False: When I go on vacation this year to Anywhere, USA, I don't have to go to church while I am away.
False - If your vacation includes a weekend, you are required to attend Mass.
4. _______ your Father and your Mother.
9. You shall not covet your neighbor's _____.
What book of the Bible is the following passage found in: (Matthew 21: 12-14)
How many days of preparation are there in Lent?
The town I am visiting this summer does not have a church in it what should I do?
Try a neighboring town or try you can watch it on TV / YouTube.
5. You shall not ______.
10. You shall not _____ your neighbor's goods.
What book of the Bible includes the creation story?
What do we call the three days leading up to Easter that include Holy Thrusday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday?
The Triduum
During summer break / vacation when should you pray?
Whenever you feel the need to or everytime you eat ice cream.