Anatomical Position
A valuable skill that is used throughout all phases and types of Examination and treatment, begins as soon as you see the patient and continues throughout the subjective and objective segments of an examination
Name the 3 muscles that are the hamstring
Biceps femoris, Semitendinosis, Semimenbranous
Jake Snakeburg. Bill 11-040
Difference between a broken bone and a fractured bone
The MOI of a lateral and medial ankle sprains and structures injured
Lateral- inversion, turning your ankle inward, ATF, CF and PTF ligaments
Medial- eversion, turning your ankle outward, Deltoid ligament
MOI Repetitive jumping, and running during significant growth spurts
Osgood-Schlatters Disease- tibial tubercle
Difference between a ligament and a tendon
Ligament connects to bone to bone
Tendon connects muscle to bone
Most important thing you as a clinician can do when taking a history
Longest and strongest bone in the body
True or False When spine-boarding a football athlete you remove the face mask only when the airway is compromised.
An Avulsion fracture is
Pulling away a piece of bone, 2nd to tension of an attached ligament, tendon or muscle
MOI and structures injured in a high ankle sprain and an Achilles rupture
High ankle sprain- Stepping in a hole, or forced hyperdorsiflexion,
Achilles rupture- Explosive Jumping/landing, Sudden, Violent Plantar Flexion, Eccentric load
MOI Direct blow to the medial patella
Patella Dislocation
Sprain is an injury to a ligament or capsular structure
Strain is an injury to a muscle or tendon
Difference between Chief complaint and Mechanism of Injury
CC- What the patient complains of
MOI- How the injury occurred
Name 3 injuries in the hand
Thumb dislocations, wrist ganglion, scaphoid fracture, mallot finger, boxers fracture- 5th met fx, Dupuytren's Contracture, Jersey finger, boutonniere deformity, swan neck, finger dislocations,
Symptoms of a concussion
Headache, Pressure in head, neck pain, nausea or vomiting, dizziness, blurred vision, balance problems, sensitivity to light, Sensitivity to noise
True or False: as an ATC it is our responsibility to make sure protective equipment is maintained and properly fit for athletes
MOI: Base of the 5th MT fracture, due to tensile load put on the peroneal muscle group during inversion forces
Jones Fracture
Patellofemoral pain syndrome definiton
Vague term for describing the general term anterior knee pain
Name the 3 phases of healing (not phase 1-3)
Acute Inflammatory
Fibroblastic Repair and Subacute
The foundational skills essential to palpation
Anatomical knowledge, Personal skills and Techniques, and Patient comfort
Name all the 4 ligaments of the knee. (Full name not abbreviation)
Anterior Cruciate ligament, Posterior Cruciate ligament, Medial Collateral Ligament, Lateral Collateral Ligament
When splinting a fracture you must always
Splint the way/position you find them
Immobilize the injury
Splint above and below the site of injury
Continuously check cap refill and pulse
All Six (6) signs and symptoms of a traumatic fracture
Immediate pain, Rapid swelling, Bony Tenderness, Crepitus, Deformity, False Motion
MOI Extreme Dorsiflexion of 1st MTP during push off
Turf Toe
Difference between MCL and LCL
MCL- Valgus overload
LCL- Varus overload
Hallux means
Big toe
When completing an observation, 3 simple things to notice
Facial expression, Discoloration, general posture, posturing/way they hold and protect injured part, contour and alignment, willingness to move injured body part
Name 3 injuries in the shoulder
SLAP tear, Shoulder dislocations, AC joint sprain, SC joint sprain, RC pathology, Clavicle fx, Humeral Fx, Scapular Fx, Bankart lesion, Hill Sachs
Sideline Concussion Assessment Tool
Role or Responsibilty of an Athletic Trainer
Prevention, Clinical evaluation and Diagnosis, Immediate care, Treatment, Rehab and Reconditioning, Organization and Administration, Professional Responsibility
MOI Stepping of a curb
Bimalleolus Fracture
Difference between ACL and PCL MOI
ACL- Femoral external rotation with valgus force and Anterior translation of Tibia
PCL- Direct blow to anterior tibia that drives posterior on the fixed