VMS Culture and Approach
Rotation, Rotation, Rotation
Those were sick stations!
We win GOLD on the Guidebook
Classy Colleagues

This is how we get to know students and engage students in our culture.

What is rapport?


What is the most important responsibility of everyone at carpool?

What is SAFETY


What does SSS stand for?

What is Student Support Services


This person plays the role of a student's guide, advocate, and champion?

Who is a student's homebase teacher


One of the cubbies in my classroom broke so I need to contact......

Who is Brian Counselman?


I just had a student misbehave in class. What resource can I use to help me know what to do and who to talk to?

What are the Boundaries Flowcharts?


Teachers in grades K-8 use this social-emotional model to guide their practices of classroom management and discipline.

What is Responsive Classroom?


Who's responsibility is the enrollment and retainment of students?



These people organize and plan for the yearly curriculum reviews.

Who is a department chair or Kristin


I want to learn a better way to use technology in my classroom, so I need to reach out to.....

Who is Kelly Enright?


I received an email from a parent at 2:30pm on Friday. When do I need to respond to that email by?

2:30pm on Monday


What is one common characteristic of an independent school parent?

- Committed to education

- Well educated themselves

- Often two working parents

- Have an expectation that education leads to a better life


What are three ways students access counseling services at VMS?

What are

  • Self-referral

  • Teacher/administrator/

coach referral

  • Parent/caregiver request


An example of the first phrase to use when addressing a student about dress code. 

 What is - Hi, my name is...  Has anyone spoken with you about the dress code today?


I need to meet with Maggie, so I want to reach out to.....

Becca Hooper


Why do we conduct parent-teacher conferences? What opportunities do they give us?

What are:

1. Prove you know the child - not just how they do in your subject area

2. Show evidence/data supporting your academic claims about the child

3. Teacher-Student-Parent rapport and ability to solve problems as a team



These people are in charge of parent communication, student well-being, and developing their routines for the beginning and end of the day. 

Who are homebase teachers?


 What are the three purposes of VMS outdoor education?

 What are: Character development, social and emotional growth, building teamwork skills


My cell phone can be visible to students and parents.

What is  when I'm in my classroom during a prep or using my phone to take pictures and post on Homeroom


I am doing something amazing in my classroom and I want it to be in the Weekly News or on Facebook/Instagram so I need to reach out to....

Who is Ruth Worden or Kelly Ronquist


What are the 3 ways to professionally communicate with parents?

1. email from your VMS account

2. Call from your VMS phone

3. Meet with the parents in-person in the school for a meeting where both parties know the agenda


List 3/5 items in the Yellow Emergency Packets.

  1. Emergency Operations Plan
  2. Evacuation Plan
  3. Evacuation Diagram
  4. Red/Green Cards
  5. All-school Homebase List
  6. Red,Yellow, Green Emergency call list

You wake up too sick to come to school, who should you text, who should you email, and by what time preferably?

What is Text Shawn Ellenbaum, Email your Division Director, preferably by 6:30 am.


One academic responsibility of all staff members is to know which students have a plan written by SSS. What is this plan called?

What is an FAP - Formal Accommodation Plan


I'm heading out on a field trip with the entire fifth grade and we won't be eating lunch in the Dining Room, so I need to reach out to.....

Brand Fibkins or Sage