Personality Disorders
Milieu and Stuff
Psychiatric Medications
The individual with this personality disorder has no regard for right or wrong, and is often in trouble with the law.
What is antisocial personality disorder
A maladaptive reaction to an identifiable psychosocial stressor that occurs within 3 months after onset of stressor.
What is adjustment disorder
An extremely distressing experience that causes severe emotional shock and may have long-lasting psychological effects is called
What is trauma
What is included in the health teachings among patients receiving Valium?
What is take medications after meals
The patient who is experiencing delirium tremens is most likely to exhibit which of the following types of hallucinations?
What is visual
A patient with narcissistic personality disorder would have this type of characteristic
What is entitlement
The inability to recall important personal information that is too extensive to be explained by ordinary forgetfulness.
What is amnesia
In the role of milieu manager, which activity should the nurse prioritize?
What is search newly admitted patients for hazardous objects
What medication will likely by ordered for a patient with anxiety?
What is valium
What is the most appropriate way to communicate with an elderly person who is deaf in his right ear?
What is speak face-to-face in a low-pitched voice
Which personality disorder is a pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others, such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent.
What is paranoid
The inability to experience or even imagine any pleasant emotion.
What is anhedonia
Patient is found in the common room. He is pacing, clenching his jaw, pounding one fist into the other fist. The nurse identifies this patient anxiety level as being.
What is severe
Clonidine is prescribed for symptoms of opioid withdrawal. Which of the following nursing assessments is essential before giving a dose of this medication?
What is taking the patient's blood pressure
The overall goal of psychiatric rehabilitation is for the patient to gain
What is to gain recovery from the illness
What is the behavioral pattern characteristic of individuals with schizotypal personality disorder?
What is a lifelong pattern of social withdrawal
Adopting the behaviors, beliefs, and values of the majority culture.
What is assimilation
The conditions which promotes a therapeutic community
What is unit responsibilities are assigned according to patient capabilities
Mr. Trudeau, who is diagnosed with neurocognitive disorder has become aggressive toward staff and wanders continuously. Which medication would then nurse expect the physician to order to address these symptoms?
What is olanzapine
According to Peplau, a nurse who provides an abandoned child with parental guidance and praise following small accomplishments is serving which therapeutic role?
What is role of surrogate
Which personality disorder is characterized by a pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation.
What is dependent
A specialized type of group therapy that employs a dramatic approach in which patients become 'actors' in life situation scenarios
What is psychodrama
How does a democratic form of self-government in the milieu contribute to patient therapy?
What is setting expectations where all patients are treated on an equal basis
A patient is diagnosed with schizophrenia. A physician orders haloperidol 50 mg BID, benztropine 1 mg prn, and zolpidem 10 mg HS. Which patient behavior would warrant the nurse to administer benztropine?
What is restlessness and muscle rigidity
A wife brings her husband to an emergency department after an attempt to hang himself. He is a full-time student and works 8 hours at night to support his family. He states, "I can't function any longer under all this stress". Which type of crisis is the patient experiencing?
What is psychiatric emergency crisis