Things I Did and Didn't Learn
Things I Will Try to Learn
OSAPAC is the acronym for this ministry Website.
What is the Ontario Software Acquisition Program Advisory Committee?
The different types of Assessment that 'fuel' inquiry based learning ad encourage self reflection, setting attainable, but lofty learning goals and a growth mindset.
What is Assessment for, as and of and learning?
The main reason why you need to post your work in a timely manner.
What do you do to ensure that your colleagues can comment on what you have written and keep the dialogue going?
I didn't learn about this place where I can store my work and information 'up in the sky"
How do I use the Cloud?
You will feel 'smarter' if you use this whiteboard in your classroom.
What is the smartboard?
The Ministry of Education describes Ontario's strategy for this learning tool as providing students with more choices to learn and succeed, regardless of their location, learning style or circumstances,"
What is E-Learning?
This is an upside down pedagogical model in which the typical lecture and homework elements of a course are reversed. Short video lectures are viewed by students at home before the class session, while in-class time is devoted to exercises, projects, or discussions.
What is a Flipped Classroom?
How you don't miss comments on your posts.
What is why you must check your posts frequently.
I haven't used this yet, but you might need a reminder to use this 101 tool to help students and parents stay organized and on top of whats going on at school.
What is Remind 101?
Build a digital student portfolio as a report card.
What is a way to document student learning for students and parents with pictures and ongoing assessments?
Constructivist, Genetic Epistemology, Social Development and Social Learning are these.
What are learning theories?
I learned how to create these voice recordings and can use them as part of my lessons.
What is a podcast?
Why you should post positive comments as well as areas of growth on peoples assignments and discussion posts.
What is a great way to encourage positive discourse!
I learned how to bring my class into the 21st century by encouraging this policy that brings home to school.
What is BYOD?
What is Edmoto
What Ed tool provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices?
This Document encourages Student development of grade 7/8 students through • learning skills, preferences, and strategies • setting goals and monitoring progress • adapting to change • lifelong learning
What is Choices into Action?
This organizational chart that I filled out at the beginning of the course showed what I know about technology and what I want to know about technology. But at the end of the course even though it showed a lot of things that I learned the list of what I want to know kept getting longer!
What is my KWL chart?
When and why you should comment on Multiple posts.
What can you do when you know a lot about a certain topic that you can share with the class?
A little birdie told me that I could use this in My classroom to effectively facilitate learning and rich conversations.
What is Twitter?
What is you create a 21st century learning environment that is a classroom that is technologically responsible and trustworthy.
What happens when you teach students to use technology responsibly?
This document aims to maintain high standards, improve student learning, and benefit students, parents, and teachers in elementary and secondary schools across the province.
What is Growing Success?
This culminating activity really consolidated all of the teaching in the course.
What is the unit plan?
By not restricting yourself to this, you can learn more about other teachers,grades and subject areas and how they are using technology.
Why shouldn't you comment on the same few peoples posts who teach the same grade or subject areas as you all of the time?
Luckily, I am taking a workshop in August to teach me about this Google storage tool to use for my students, it's just what the Dr.ordered!
What is Google Docs?
A classroom that differentiates learning, utilizes technology provide multiple entry points and has effective, ongoing student, peer and teacher feedback.
What is a responsive learning environment.