Flaccid paralysis
What is the primary symptom of botulism?
Heat-labile toxin (LT)
What is an AB5 toxin produced by ETEC?
P pilus
What is a primary adhesive factor UPEC use to colonize the urinary tract?
Beta oxidation
What is the pathway required to oxidize lipids to use them as a carbon source?
What is a plasmid that has integrated into the chromosome?
Furious rabies
What is the neurologic phase of rabies associated with agitation?
Inhibition of adenylate cyclase
What is the Ctx mechanisms of action?
Swarming motility
What is a distinctive feature of Proteus mirabalis?
Terminal pentapeptide amino acids
What is the target for vancomycin?
What enzyme is responsible for the transpeptidase reaction that crosslinks NAG?
Zinc peptidase activity that prevents inhibitory neurotransmitter release
What is the mechanism of action of tetanus toxin?
Membrane ruffling
What is the distinctive form of cell entry by Salmonella?
Rash on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet
What is associated with secondary syphilis?
Generation of the most ATP during bacterial metabolism
What occurs during aerobic respiration with the Kreb’s (TCA) cycle?
N-glycosidase activity
What is the mechanism of action for Shiga toxin?
Fever, nuchal rigidity, change in mental status
What are the classic triad of symptoms most commonly associated with acute meningitis?
Vi antigen
What is the capsular polysaccharide of Salmonella Typhi?
What is a symptomatic consequence of tertiary syphilis?
Malaria, Plague, and Lyme disease
What are examples of vector borne infectious diseases?
Locus of Enterocyte Effacement
What is an example of a pathogenicity island that contributes to EHEC pathogenesis?
GBS and K1-encapsulated E. coli
What are the most common bacterial pathogens associated with sepsis and meningitis in newborns?
Lumenal resistance
What is the description for the inability of Shigella to infect from the apical side?
Opa proteins
What gonococcal factor mediates intimate binding to host cells?
H. influenzae, S. pneumoniae, and M. catarrhalis
What are 3 organisms that are the most common causes of bacterial sinusitis and otitis media?
What is LPS without the O antigen?