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Mrs. Manno has 525 books in her Library. She orders 67 more. How many does she have now?

What is 592 books?


Estimate 656 to the nearest ten and hundred.

What is 660 (ten) and 600 (hundred)?


Mrs. James had 300 lollipops. She gave 88 away to students. How many does she have now? 

What is 212 lollipops?


Name all the related facts for the following equation:

7 X 8 = 56

8 X 7 = 56

56 divided by 7 = 8

56 divided by 8 = 7


Write a multiplication equation that can be used to solve the following:

9 + 9 + 9 + 9

What is 4 X 9?


Write a multiplication equation for the below array:


What is 5 X 6?

What is the name of the following shapes?

4 sided shape=
5 sided shape =
6 sided shape =
8 sided shape =
10 sided shape =

What is....

4 sided shape= quadrilateral
5 sided shape = pentagon
6 sided shape = hexagon
8 sided shape = octagon
10 sided shape = decagon


3 x a = 12

12 divided by 3= a

a =??

What is 4?

3 x 4 = 12

12 divided by 3 = 4


How many people chose apples and blueberries as their favorite fruit?

35 + 40 = 75 people


Create a tally chart of the favorite ice cream flavors of students in the class: (everyone gets one vote)

Mint Chocolate Chip
Cookies and Cream
Cookie Dough

Answers will vary


Describe all the angles in this shape:

2 right angles (bottom left and right)

2 angles greater than a right angle (obtuse)

1 angle smaller than a right angle (acute)


Describe all the angles in this triangle.

3 angles less than a right angle (acute).


Draw a shape with a pair of parallel lines.

Draw a shape with perpendicular lines.

Draw a shape with intersecting lines.

Check answers.


Finish the number sentence using the Commutative Property of Addition:

6 + 12 = ____ + ______

6 + 12 = 12 + 6


Find the perimeter and area of the below SQUARE

Area= L x W

Area = 5 X 5 = 25 square centimeters

Perimeter= side + side + side +side
Perimeter= 5 + 5 + 5 + 5 =20 centimeters


How can you use the Distributive Property of Multiplication to solve the following problem?

5 X 12 = ?

Hint : 5 X 12 = (        ) + (      ) 

5 X 6 = (5 X 6 ) + ( 5 X 6) 


Measure the length of your pencil case to the nearest 1/2 inch, and to the nearest quarter inch.

Answers will vary.


Solve the following problem using order of operations:

5 + 3 X 6

What is 23?

***Remember you multiply/divide first

3 X 6 = 18
18 + 5 = 23


Write an equivalent fraction 

3/6 = 

What is 1/2?


Compare the below fractions using <, >, or =

3/5 and 4/5

3/5 < 4/5 


4/5 > 3/5

** Remember- When the denominators are the same you compare the numerators. Bigger numerator= bigger fraction.


Miss Sirianni and Mrs. Owsiany went shopping at 6:30 P.M. and finished at 7:45 P.M. How long did they shop?

What is 1 hour and 15 minutes?


What is another way to read the time 6:52?

What is 8 minutes before 7?


What is another way to read the time 3:22?

What is 22 minutes after 3?


Compare the following fractions using >, <, or =

1/2 and 2/3

1/2 < 2/3


2/3 > 1/2

**Remember to use the butterfly method


Order the following fractions in order from least to greatest:

1/8, 1/2, 1/5

What is...

1/8, 1/5, 1/2

** Remember: When the numerators are the same you look at the denominator. The smaller the denominator the bigger the fraction.