Weathering, Erosion, Deposition
Rocks versus Minerals
Natural Resources and Earth's Layers
Plate Boundaries
Volanoes and Earthquakes
Geologic Time
Evolution and Natural Selection
Newton's Laws
Forces and Motion
Earth, Moon, and Sun

The breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on earth.

What is weathering?


This type of rock is formed when magma cools.

What is an igneous rock?


List the layers of Earth from the OUTERMOST layer to the INNERMOST layer.

What is crust, mantle, outer core, inner core?


The gigantic supercontinent that occured 200 million years ago.

What is Pangaea?


Shield, Stratovolcano, or Cinder Cone? This type of volcano is a tall mountain that erupts with an explosive force.

What is a stratovolcano?


The ERA that we are currently in.

What is the Cenozoic Era?


Hard or soft body parts

The age of the organism

Predators destroying the body

Body decay

One of the following is not a factor that affect fossilization. Name which one.

What is the age of the organism?


The number of mass extinctions in Earth's history.

What is 5?


An object in motion stays in motion, an object at rest stays at rest unless acted on by an outside force. 

What is Newton's First Law?


Distance is speed TIMES time.

A girl cycles for 3 hours at 40 km/hr. What distance did she travel?

What is 120 kilometers?


Label the wave:

What is a: Crest, b: Trough, c: Amplitude, and d: Wavelength?


Name one interior layer AND one exterior layer of the Sun.

What is INTERIOR: core, radiation zone, convection zone... EXTERIOR: photosphere, chromosphere, corona?

The force that holds our solar system together.

What is gravity?


The moving of bits of rocks or soil from one place to another.

What is Erosion?


This type of rock is formed from intense heat and pressure.

What is a metamorphic rock?


This layer of Earth is the largest?

What is the Mantle?


This type of boundary occurs when two plates are moving towards one another or colliding.

What is a convergent boundary?


Shield, Stratovolcano, or Cinder Cone? This type of volcano can be formed over hot spots.

What is a Shield Volcano?


This ERA is when the dinosaurs appeared.

When was the Mesozoic Era?


Give one reason something may NOT become fossilized.

What is scavengers eat the remains, fungi invades the remains, it is a soft bodied object, or it is exposed to the elements?


Describe natural selection.

What is organisms with characteristics suited to an environment are more likely to survive and reproduce than animals without those characteristics?


For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.

What is Newton's Third Law?


Speed is distance DIVIDED by time.

A baseball is thrown a distance of 70 meters. Calculate the speed of the throw if it takes the ball 2 seconds to cover that distance.

What is 35 m/s?


Label the wave:

What is a: Compression, b: Rarefaction, c: Wavelength?


Label the moon phases:

What is 1. new moon, 2. waxing crescent, 3. first quarter, 4. waxing gibbous, 5. full moon, 6. waning gibbous, 7. third quarter, 8. waning crescent?


Explain why pluto is now classified as a dwarf planet.

What is it has not cleared the area of its orbit?


The dropping of sediment in a new place.

What is deposition?


This type of rock is formed when sediment compacts together.

What is a sedimentary rock?


Name one fossil fuel.

What is coal, oil, or natural gas?


This type of boundary occurs when two plates are moving away from one another.

What is a divergent boundary?


This type of volcano is the smallest type and can form on the surface of other volcanoes.

What is a Cinder Cone?

The 4 UNITS of time from the LONGEST to the SHORTEST.

What is Eon, Era, Period, Epoch?


Spring break had arrived and Carol's family went camping along the river seen here. During their stay, the family dug for fossils. Carol's father found pieces of elk skull and the bones of some other unidentified animals. Carol found an insect encased in amber and her little brother found two or three shark's teeth.
Make a conclusion can about the history of the campsite. 

What is it was once underwater?


The percentage of a population that has to go extinct to be considered a mass extinction.

What is 50-90%?


The acceleration of an object by a force is inversely proportional to the mass of the object and directly proportional to the force.

What is Newton's Second Law?


Velocity is speed (distance divided by time) in a direction.

A car is traveling south for 140 miles. it takes the car 2 hours to make the trip. Calculate the velocity.

What is 70 mph south?


Compare electromagnetic and mechanical waves.

What is electromagnetic waves do not require a medium to travel, mechanical waves do require a medium to travel?


Label what season the NORTHERN hemisphere will experience: 

What is A: Summer, B: Fall, C: Winter, D: Spring?


Name the 3 things that classify a planet.

What is 1. it is round, 2. it is orbiting the sun, and 3. it has cleared out the area of its orbit?


There are two types of weathering: mechanical and chemical. This type of weathering is the breaking of large rocks into smaller ones.

What is Mechanical Weathering?


Name AND describe one property to identify a mineral.

What is color (what you see), streak (color of the rock in powder form), hardness (ability to be scratched), density (mass per volume), cleavage (breaking along an even pattern), fracture (breaking along an uneven pattern), or luster (metallic or non-metallic)?

This layer of Earth is liquid and is responsible for the magnetic field.

What is the outer core?

Earthquakes are common at this type of boundary.

What is a transform boundary?


Name one EFFECT of an earthquake.

What is landslide, liquefaction, tsunami, seiches (small tsunamis), fires, or ground shaking?


Put the following in order from the FIRST thing on Earth to the most recent: Fish, Humans, Trilobites, Dinosaurs, Birds.

What are Trilobites, Fish, Dinosaurs, Birds, Humans?


Explain the law of superposition.

What is "in undisturbed layers of rock, the oldest rocks are on the bottom and they become younger as you move toward the top"


There are 2 types of worms: nocturnal (eat at night) and diurnal (eat during the day). Birds eat during the day and seem to be only eating the diurnal worms as the nocturnal worms are in their burrows during this time. Give all the following information:

1. The variations

2. The favorable trait

3. What will happen to the population overtime.

1. What is nocturnal and diurnal worms?

2. What is nocturnal?

3. What is there will be more nocturnal worms and the diurnal worms will die?


Provide an example of Newton's Third Law.

Answers will vary


Compare speed and velocity.

What is Speed is the distance something travels in a given amount of time and Velocity is speed in a direction?


Label the electromagnetic wave:

What is a: Gamma, b: X-Ray, c: Ultraviolet, d: Visible, e: Infrared, f: Microwaves, g: Radio?


Compare a solar eclipse to a lunar eclipse.

What is a solar eclipse is when the moon is between the sun and earth, blocking the sunlight from hitting the earth, and can only be seen from inside the umbra... a lunar eclipse is when the earth is between the sun and moon, blocking the sunlight from hitting the moon, and can be seen from anywhere on earth?


Name the 3 types of galaxies AND which type the Milky Way is.

What is Irregular, Elliptical, and Spiral? What is a spiral galaxy?


Name ONE agent of erosion (what moves things in nature).

What is wind, water, ice, or gravity?


Rock OR Mineral? Has a definite shape, chemical composition, found in Earth's crust.

What is a mineral?


Compare a renewable and a nonrenewable resource.

What is a renewable resource can be replenished before it runs out (we will not run out) and a nonrenewable resource cannot be replenished by natural means at the same rate that it is used (we will run out)?


Seafloor spreading is common at this type of boundary.

What is a divergent boundary?


Name one place that earthquakes occur.

Where is along plate boundaries, fault lines, or in volcanic regions?


Put the following in order from OLDEST to YOUNGEST: Dinosaur Fossil from the Mesozoic, Fish Fossil from Paleozoic, Wooly Mammoth Fossil from the Cenozoic, and Trilobite Fossil from Precambrian Time.

What is Trilobite Fossil, Fish Fossil, Dinosaur Fossil, and Wooly Mammoth Fossil?


Put the layers of rock in order from OLDEST to YOUNGEST.

What is P, K, M, S, X, R, B, J?


Name 2 major causes of extinction.

What is asteroids/comets, climate change (global warming or ice age), volcanic activity, and/or human activity?


Provide an example of Newton's Second Law.

Answers will vary

Compare AVERAGE speed and INSTANTANEOUS speed.

What is instantaneous speed is the speed of an object in one moment of time, average speed is the total distance traveled divided by the time it took to travel that distance?


Explain why it is smarter to wear a white shirt on a hot day instead of a black shirt.

What is black absorbs all light and turns it into heat; white reflects all colors?


Compare a solstice to an equinox.

What is a solstice happens during summer and winter, it is when the sun reaches its greatest distance north or south of the equator, we experience the longest and the shortest day... an equinox is happens during fall and spring, it is when the sun is directly above the equator, we experience an equal length of day and night?


Explain the Big Bang Theory and ONE piece of evidence to support it.

What is a small singularity the size of dust began to expand and release energy? What is the red shift/blue shift, cosmic microwave background radiation, or similar elements present throughout the universe?