Roles and Functions
Roles and Functions 2
Roles and Functions 3

Post discharge survey, calling hospital administration, and public report with AHRQ are all ways a patient can report what?

A complaint


the Institute for Healthcare Improvement’s (IHI), Triple Aim is a conceptual model which sets goals based on what three basic elements?

improving the quality of care by enhancing patient experience; improving population health; and reducing costs


The ________must ultimately approve each units proposed budgets. (such as operating, personnel, and capital)

hospital administration


An environment that encourages employees to report errors and prevent situations that threaten safety so quality can be assured is called?

Blame-free environment


_______is a legal document that spells out medical treatments you would and would not want to be used to keep you alive, as well as your preferences for other medical decisions, such as pain management or organ donation.

Living Will


1. Ask the burning clinical question in PICOT (patient, intervention, comparison, outcome, and time frame) format.

2. Search for and collect the most relevant best evidence.

3. Appraise the evidence (i.e., rapid critical appraisal, evaluation, and synthesis).

4. Integrate the best evidence with one’s clinical expertise and patient preferences and values in making a practice decision or change.

5. Evaluate outcomes of the practice design or change based on evidence.

6. Disseminate the outcomes of the EBP (evidence-based practice) decision or change.

These are the steps of what process

Evidence Based Inquiry Process


When a nurse is faced with an ethical issue where is the first place they should go for guidance?

ANA Code of Ethics for Nurses


Budget-based staffing requires that the staffing plan be developed in concert with the

Personnel Budget


______ is a medical order written by a doctor. It instructs health care providers not to do cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if a patient's breathing stops or if the patient's heart stops beating.



When patient care nurses are included in facility decision making it is called?

Shared governance


The number of subordinates a supervisor manages is referred to as

Span of control


______ power stems from fear of someone’s real or perceived fear of another person.



If you are asked an inappropriate question in a job interview you should?

Decline to answer


The five rights of delegation are?

Right Task, circumstance, person, Direction/communication, Supervision


The nursing care delivery system where a team leader, who is an RN, is responsible for coordinating a group of licensed and unlicensed personnel to provide patient care to a small group of patients

Team nursing


What model is based on the rationale that the needs or characteristics of patients and families influence and drive the characteristics or competencies of nurses and includes the following eight nurse competencies -clinical judgment, advocacy and moral agency, caring practices, facilitation of learning, collaboration, systems thinking, response to diversity, and clinical requirement.

Synergy Model


According to the NCSBN model on delegation, communication regarding the expectations of the delegated task  is the responsibility of the ________ and the ________.

Licensed Nurse and delegatee


This nursing theorist developed the now classic novice-to-expert theory about how nurses progress during their nursing careers.

Patricia Benner


_______consists of evaluating performance and providing feedback within a specified structure of increasing sanctions and may lead to termination if the behavior continues.

Progressive discipline


The Joint Commission (TJC, 2017) recognizes that breakdown in ______ is the root cause of sentinel events,



For a nurse managers to be considered this type of “agent” they must identify and develop skill sets that enable them to facilitate others, provide guidance, and inspire those around them.  

Change agent


Avoiding, accommodating, competing, compromising, and collaborating are approaches that can be used for________

conflict resolution


This process is a personal approach in which the manager and the employee interact on a frequent and regular basis with the ultimate outcome that the employee performs at an optimal level.



Nursing case management models have been shown to be successful  in settings within the walls of the hospital and beyond the walls of the hospital. These different settings include:



ambulatory settings

long-term care facilities

health insurance companies



The main purpose of the ________ is to ensure enforcement of the individual state nurse practice acts to protect the public.

State Boards of Nursing