Test 1
Test 2&3
Test 4 :(
Test 5
Test 6

What are the 3 P's of diabetes?


▪ Excessive urination

o Polyphagia

▪ Excessive hunger

o Polydipsia

▪ Excessive thirst


What is arteriosclerosis?

A buildup of lipids on the wall of the artery


What to do if constant bubbling is present in the chest tube? 

immediately check for leak in the system


What kind of lesions are clustered together?



There is a patient in bed on their phone and watching TV who states that their pain level is at a 9 right now what do you do as the nurse?

Give them their PRN medicine


Which type of diabetes is Caused by autoimmune response to virus.

o Destruction of beta cells

o Pancreas secretes NO insulin.

Type 1


What is clubbing and how to test for it?

The clubbing occurred from oxygen deficiency over time. The base of the nail and the skin is lost causing the nail to be flat. You test for it by putting the index fingers together and if there's a diamond shaped space in between the nails the nail bed is normal.


What are nasal polyps caused by? 

Exact cause unknown; related to chronic inflammation

Occur more often with allergies


Why should wet dressings not go past 72 hours?

Because it can cause skin breakdown


Before giving opioids you realize the patient's respiratory rate is at a 10 breaths per minute what is the first thing you do?

Contact the doctor, because you have to check the respiratory rate of the patient before administering opioids.


Describe 3 things an insulin pump does. 


 Delivers insulin via tiny catheter continuously in small amounts.

Bolus dose of insulin with push of a button

 Catheter placed in SQ tissue for 2-3 days.


What does pericardial friction rub sound like? 

Grating sound like sandpaper being rubbed together.


What is the nursing care for a tonsillectomy?

Semi-Fowler position to reduce swelling and promote drainage

o Monitor for bleeding

▪ Check Vitals


What does black around a wound indicate?



You check the respiratory the of a patient who is post op. You notice that the patient has crackles and wheezes ,what do you encourage the patient to do?

Encourage deep breathing and coughing.


The patient is unconscious and unable to swallow, how do you give them sugar? Hint 2 diff answers

SQ glucagon

IV dextrose 50% (D50)


What does EKG changes during a stemi indicate?

An MI.


What is acute bronchitis?

• Bronchitis is an inflammation of the bronchial tree (left and right bronchi, secondary bronchi, and bronchioles)

• When the mucous membranes lining the bronchial tree become irritated and inflamed, excessive mucus is produced.


What type of skin illness is caused by contact with an irritant?



What should the nurse do first following the patient’s death?

Make the patient’s body look peaceful.


What is the difference between diffusion and osmosis?

Diffusion- movement of a substance from an area of higher concentration to lower concentration

Osmosis- movement of water from an area of lower concentration across a semipermeable membrane to higher concentration


What is a classic symptom of a AAA?

Back/flank pain.


Why are diuretics given for acute respiratory failure?

To reduce the likelihood of pulmonary edema


____________ is a skin graft from the patient’s unburned skin placed on the clean, excised burn. Two common types of autografts are the split-thickness skin graft (STSG), which includes the epidermis and part of the dermis, and the full-thickness skin graft (FTSG), which includes the epidermis and entire dermal layer.



The nurse must collect data for prior dye reactions for the patient undergoing which of these diagnostic tests?

Indocyanine green angiography