Scientific revolution
French and Indian War

A major change in European thought, starting in the mid-1500s, in which the study of the natural world began to be characterized by careful observation and the questioning of accepted beliefs.

What is the Scientific Revolution?


The Enlightenment movement promoted these type of rights

What are natural (individual) rights?


What was the primary cause of the French and Indian War?

What is Territorial disputes over the Ohio River Valley?


An Indian Tribal alliance that sided with the British

What is Iroquois confederation?


Enlightenment belief that our own reason can tell us there is a god who created the universe, but he is not involved in his creation and he just lets natural laws govern his universe

What is deism?


Nicolas Copernicus came up with the theory of the heliocentric universe which means this

What is the Sun is the center of the universe and all the planets revolve around it?


Figure of the Enlightenment who disagreed with absolute forms of government and thought government should be divided into 3 branches of government with all branches having equal power

Who is Baron de Montesquieu?


Who was the young British officer who gained early military experience during the French and Indian War and later became a key figure in American history?

Who is George Washington? 


An English General who underestimated the Indians and French and was famously defeated.

Who was Edward Braddock?


Enlightenment belief that reason and logic are the main sources of knowledge

What is rationalism?


Who is often referred to as the father of modern physics for his laws of motion and universal gravitation?

Who is Issac Newton?


Enlightenment thinker who influenced the U.S. constitution by promoting the individual rights of man

Who is John Locke?


Which 1763 treaty ended the French and Indian War?

Treaty of Paris


A Native American uprising against British colonial expansion after the French and Indian War.

What is Pontiac Rebellion?


Policy that government should interfere as little as possible in the economy

What is laissez-faire or free market economy?


Which scientist is known for his improvements to the telescope and his support of the heliocentric theory, which led to conflict with the Catholic Church?

Who is Galileo Galilei?


Known for his ideas of Social Contract- an arrangement where people give up their rights to be protected by the government

He wrote about it in a book called "The Leviathan" 

Who is Thomas Hobbes?


What was one significant outcome of the French and Indian War for the British colonies?

What is increasing British debt leading to higher colonial taxes?


restricting access to ideas & information

What is censorship?


Rulers trying to govern with enlightenment ideas, while still trying to maintain their royal powers

What is enlightened absolutism?


Francis Bacon was the person who came up with this

What is the Scientific method?


Which Enlightenment thinker is associated with the economic concept of laissez-faire?

Who is Adam Smith


Which battle marked a turning point in the war, leading to British dominance?

What is Battle of Quebec?


American colonists forbidden to cross Appalachian Mountains and created tension between Britain and the colonies.

What is the Proclamation of 1763?

Enlightenment belief that the government should have three branches with no one branch more powerful than the other

What is separation of powers?