Operations & Labor
Leadership & Goals
Concept, Menus & Marketing
Food Costing

How many ounces in a gallon?

What is 128 ounces?


Paid vacation, benefits, meals and discounts are all considered what type of compensation?

What is indirect?


What is the third step to building teams?

What is norming?


What type of menu would be common on a cruise ship?

What is cycle?


If shredded mozzarella cheese costs $2.50 for an 8-ounce package, what is the cost per ounce?

What is $0.31?


If a 10-pound watermelon yields 8 pounds of edible fruit, what is the yield percentage?

What is 80%?


Saute cook and also prepares sauces is called....

What is Saucier?


How many teaspoons are in one quart?

What is 192 teaspoons?


What does OSHA stand for?

What is Occupational Safety and Health Act?


What does the R in SMART stand for when referring to goals?

What is relevant?


This type of market segmentation looks at Characteristics of the populations in given area...

What is demographics?


A 5-pound bag of rice is priced at $4.00. How much does it cost per pound?

What is $0.80?


A recipe calls for 2 pounds of raw chicken with a yield factor of 75%. How much cooked chicken can you expect?

What is 1.5 pounds?


Baker (bread and breakfast pastry) is called...

What is Boulanger?


How many ounces of butter are in 3 cups?

What is 24 ounces?


Each of my employees work 36 hours a week. I need 487 hours of labor per week. How many associates do I need?

What is 14 associates?


This part of SMART goals is described as how you reach your full potential but shouldn't be impossible.  Should require skills you have or can develop

What is be achievable?


This type of menu is typically found in quick service restaurants...

What is limited?

If olive oil is priced at $12 per gallon, how much will it cost for 1 cup?

What is .75?


If you start with 6 pounds of broccoli and end up with 4.5 pounds after trimming and cooking, what is the yield percentage?

What is 75%?


The associate who prepares the roasted items and jus related sauces (sauces made from the juice of the roasted item) is called...

What is Rotisseur?


 How many cups are in 5 pints?

What is 10 cups?


My restaurant makes $960,000 revenue annually. It is a 2,500 sq ft restaurant. What is my revenue per square foot?

What is $384 per square foot?


In this stage of team building, a group of people get together and realize they have a common purpose...

What is forming?


This type of market segmentation looks at buying patterns and preferences...

What is behavioral or lifestyle?


A restaurant has ordered 10 pounds of cheddar cheese at $4.50 per pound. If each serving is 2 ounces, how many servings can be obtained from the cheese?

What is 80 servings?


A chef uses 3 pounds of asparagus with a yield of 60%. If the asparagus costs $2.00 per pound, what is the cost of the edible portion?

What is $3.60?


The associate who prepares Pastry/dessert?

What is Patissier?


How many tablespoons are in 1.5 gallons?

What is 384 tablespoons?


I have 5 stations, open 12 hours a day, 7 days a week. How many hours of labor do I need per week?

What is 420 hours?

In this management style, the rules are ultimate authority, and leaders are enforcers...

What is bureaucratic?


This aspect of menu psychology involves placing expensive dishes above dishes that would seem expensive on their own...

What is decoy items?


Chicken costs $6 per pound, and your recipe requires 10 ounces. What will it cost to include this ingredient in your dish?

What is $3.75?


If you buy a 12-pound fish that has a yield of 45% after filleting, how many pounds of fish will you have?

What is 5.4 pounds?


The position that prepares the Grilled items is called...

What is the Grillardin?


How many grams are in 5 pounds of flour?

What is 2,268 grams?


This kitchen layout accommodates multiple employees, High-volume, quick service, limited menu, Flow of ingredients from stations for efficiencies.

What is assembly line layout?


In this type of adaptive leadership, leader behavior is consultative...

What is collaborating?


What is the added value brought to your company's products or services that allows you to charge more for your brand than what identical, unbranded products command?

What is equity?


A spice you need for a recipe, costs $8.50 per pound. What is the cost for 1 teaspoon, assuming 1 teaspoon weighs approximately 0.1 ounces?

What is $0.05?


A dish uses 5 pounds of potatoes with a yield of 70%, 2 pounds of carrots with a yield of 60%, and 1 pound of onions with a yield of 50%. What is the total yield in pounds of usable vegetables?

What is 5.2 pounds?


The position that prepares the fried items is called...

What is Friturier?


How many grams are in 8 ounces of chocolate?

What is approximately 226.8 grams?


Dining room spacing needs to have at least how many inches behind each chair?

What is 18?


With this type of management style, associates do not have liberty to make decisions...

What is autocratic?

How can a provider create and capture value?

What is product/service features and price?


A restaurant purchases a 25-pound bag of flour for $18.75. If the recipe requires 3.5 pounds of flour, what is the cost of the flour used in that recipe?

What is $2.63?


You buy 8 pounds of whole fish at $5.00 per pound with a yield of 45%, and 4 pounds of vegetables at $2.50 per pound with a yield of 75%. What is the total cost of the edible portions from both ingredients?

What is $25.50?


The position that prepares the fish/shellfish items and their respective sauces is called...

What is Poissonier?


Calculate the conversion factor for increasing a recipe to 225 portions from 12 portions?

What is 18.75?


I have a fine dining restaurant that has an annual revenue of $1,786,098. The restaurant is 3000 square feet. What is my annual sales per seat?

What is $11,907.32?


This type of motivation technique involves heightened supervision, external rewards and penalties

What is theory X?


What are the "4 P's" marketing mix?

What is product strategy, price, place, and promotion?


A recipe for a soup uses 2 pounds of tomatoes costing $1.50 per pound, 1 pound of carrots at $0.80 per pound, and 0.5 pound of onions at $0.70 per pound. If the recipe makes 8 servings, what is the total cost per serving?

What is $0.52?


A restaurant purchases 10 pounds of raw beef with a yield of 60%. If the cost of the beef is $8.00 per pound, what is the total cost of the edible portion after accounting for the yield?

What is $48.00?


What is the position that prepares the vegetables and Starches?

What is Legumier?