The knowledge argument
What is the argument that the mind is radically different from anything physical since we can know one without knowing the other?
The body swapping argument
What is the argument that people ≠ their bodies, since people can swap bodies?
What is the theory that (im)moral = (not) most helpful?
The design argument
What is the argument that God likely exists since nature appears to be intelligently designed?
The free will defense (explained)
What is the objection that all suffering is an unfortunate byproduct of us having free will?
The conceivability argument
What is the argument that the mind is radically different from anything physical since we can imagine one without imagining the other?
The consequence argument
What is the argument that we are not responsible for our decisions (we lack free will), since they result from the past and laws of nature, which are not under our control?
Kant's humanity formula
What is the theory that what's immoral is what treats people as a mere means, rather than ends in themselves?
The problem of evil
What is the argument that likely no all-good God exists, given the presence of suffering such a God would prevent?
A perfect island (is an objection to this)
What is an objection to the ontological argument?
Berkeley's Master Argument
What is the argument that everything that exists must be a mind or a mind's idea, since anything else is literally inconceivable?
The soul swapping argument
What is the argument that people ≠ souls, since people are recognizable in ways that souls are not?
Social Contract Theory
What is the theory that the rules for what's moral are whatever rules everyone would agree if they were rational & self-interested?
The cosmological argument
What is the argument that God must exist since everything--the universe included--must come from something else?
Natural selection (is an objection to this)
What is an objection to the design argument?
What is the argument that what we experience is not reality (direct realism is false), since people's sensations can be inconsistent with one another?
Williams's argument that immortality is not desirable
What is the dilemma that immortality promises to be either unsatisfyingly boring (if our categorical desires never change) or (if they do) a life revolving around things we don't currently care about?
The Doctrine of Double Effect
What is the idea that the same harm can be wrong or OK depending on whether it was intended or a merely foreseeable side-effect?
The ontological argument
What is the argument that God must exist, given our ability to think about God?
An objection to the cosmological argument
E.g., stuff in quantum mechanics seems to happen for no reason.
E.g., if everything must come from something else, so would God...
Brie Gertler's response to Arnauld
What is the argument that our understanding of mental phenomena like pain can't be incomplete (like someone's understanding of triangles), since the mental *just is* what it seems to us to be?
The branching argument
What is the argument that people ≠ their memories (or preservation of memories), since our memories can be preserved in two separate people, neither of which would be us?
The Euthyphro Problem
What is the dilemma for Divine Command Theory that God's commands are either justified (in which case morality is independent of God's command) or baseless (in which case DCT makes morality out to be arbitrary / God out to be a dumb jerk)?
The fine-tuning argument
What is the argument that God likely exists since the laws of physics just barely allow for intelligent life?
An objection to the fine-tuning argument
What is the fact that the multi-verse could explain why the laws of physics appear fine-tuned for life?