Known for his work on the psychosexual model of development, as well as his idea of the id, ego, and super ego
Sigmund Frued
system that involves the brain and spinal cord
central nervous system
subjects must know what they are participating in before trials begin
informed consent
The 4 D's of a mental disorder
dysfunctional, distressing, deviant, and dangerous
a subfield of psychology that focuses on the relationship between behavior and environmental events
a Neo-freudian psychologist who developed a theory with 8 stages that outlined psychosocial development starting from infancy to late adulthood
Erik Erikson
branching neural fibers that collect inputs from other neurons
The variable that is being measured in the experiment and is expected to change.
dependent variable
excessive worry and tension that causes disruption in sleep, appetite, and performance
anxiety disorders
studies physical, cognitive, and social change throughout lifespan
developmental psychology
Best known for his development of the concept of the conditioned reflex using dogs and bells during meal time.
Ivan Pavlov
Correlation where one variable increases as the other decreases.
negative correlation
Diagnostic tool used in the mental health field. Developed in the 1950,s by the American Psychiatric Association and is currently on its 5th edition
a learning theory that uses rewards and punishments to modify behavior
operant conditioning
Best known for formulating the theory of cognitive development which contained 4 main stages and focused only on childhood development
Jean Piaget
The major function of the left hemisphere of the brain
Math and logic. Controls right side of the body
The degree to which the findings can be applied to situations and participants outside the original group of participants
external validity
Personality cluster noted for dramatic, emotional, or erratic behavior. Includes narcissism, antisocial, and boderline
Cluster B
scientific approach to psychology emphasizing the need to understand the mechanical and internal processes of the mind, in order to better understand abnormal behavior
cognitive model
Blended psychoanalytic theory with behavior concepts to come up with the idea that we are driven by instinctive needs and that frustration from not getting needs met is a common emotion
Dollard and Miller
Group of midbrain structures that contributes to our emotional experience
limbic system
a research method where behavior is observed and recorded in the context where it typically occurs with as little interference from the researchers as possible
Naturalistic observation
Symptoms of schizophrenia have 2 groups ___ & ___. These are either added symptoms or a lack of neurotypical symptoms
positive and negative
this theory is often shown with a pyramid with five levels that explain human motivation behavior
Maslow's hierarchy of needs