Acute Illness
What is a sudden illness from which a person is expected to recover.
Pinching and pushing a patient.
What is abuse?
What is breathing or respiration?
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1987
What is a federal law?
Professional speech and language
What is controlling the tone of your voice, speaking softly, gently and clearly.
What is skin?
A persons call light goes unanswered and they are lying in urine soaked sheets.
What is neglect?
State law that affects what nursing assistants can do.
What is the state practice act?
Being an honest nursing assistant.
What is accurately reporting accurately observations and errors?
What is artery?
Protecting your self from assault and battery charges.
What is explaining what you are going to do and getting consent.
What is a blood condition?
Knowledge of what you should or should not do
What is ethics?
Looking professional at work
What is following the agency's dress code?
What is stomach?
What is false imprisonment?
What is difficulty swallowing?
A nursing assistant leaves their assignment without alerting anyone.
What is abandonment?
Discussing your date from last night with your patient.
What is a boundary violation?
What is the part nearest to the center or point of origin?
Threatening to touch a persons body without consent.
What is assault?
What is speaking?
OBRA requires retraining for these people.
What is nursing assistants who have not worked for 24 months?
Proper way to entire a patients room.
What is knock on the door and wait to be asked in?