P.P. vs P.V.
Gerunds/ Infinitives

Put these adjectives in the right order.

The old, cozy cottage sat at the edge of the forest.

The cozy, old cottage sat at the edge of the forest.


Where is the prepositional phrase?

The cat slept under the table all afternoon.

The cat slept under the table all afternoon.


Label the subject, verb, and infinitive/gerund.

Walking is a good exercise.

Walking; subject, gerund

is; verb


Identify the tense being used.

She will visit the museum tomorrow.

will; future tense


Should you use -ing or -ed adjective?

The science teacher is (frightening/ frightened)! Her class sits in silence, too (frightening/ frightened) to talk.

frightening, frightened


What is the phrasal verb and what does it mean?

Everyone hand in your homework.

Hand in; to give your teacher your homework another term "turn in"


Label the subject, verb, and infinitive/gerund.

Daniel quit smoking a year ago.

Danial; subject

quit; verb

smoking; gerund


Identify the tense being used.

I have finished my homework.

have; present perfect tense


Put these adjectives in the right order.

The colorful, tall, and graceful bird soared through the sky.

The graceful, tall, and colorful bird soared through the sky.


Where is the prepositional phrase?

She walked along the beach during sunset.

She walked along the beach during sunset.


Label the subject, verb, and infinitive/gerund.

You need to buy medicine.

You; subject

need; verb

to buy; infinitive


Identify the tense being used.

They will start their new project next week.

will; future tense


Should you use -ing or -ed adjective?

I know the results were (disappointing/ disappointed) overall, but personally, I'm not too (disappointing/ disappointed).

disappointing, disappointed


What is the phrasal verb and what does it mean?

He blew up when the car broke down.

Blew up; very angry

Broke down; it does not work anymore


Should this be an infinitive or gerund?

The right  ________ (vote) is very valuable.

to vote; does not comply with gerund rules


Identify the tense being used.

She has lived in this city for five years.

has; present perfect tense


Put these adjectives in the right order.

The Japanese, delicious, star-shaped candy is my favorite with tea.

The delicious, star-shaped, Japanese candy is my favorite with tea. 


Where is the prepositional phrase?

The dog ran across the yard and jumped over the fence.

The dog ran across the yard and jumped over the fence.


Should this be a gerund or infinitive?

I dislike __________ (wait) for anyone, and that includes family.

gerund; comes after a verb and is acting as a noun


Fill-in this sentence with present perfect and the correct verb.

She ___________ English for 1 year at the college.

She has studied English for 1 year at the college.