Figurative Language
Point of View
Making Inferences
Parts of Speech
"The palm trees danced in the wind on this unusually cold day in LA." is an example of what?
What is personification?
When she asked me how to spin it, I sat there without words. She had never spoken before. I couldn't believe it was to me. This is an example of this point of view.
What is 1st Person?
Frightened, the fickle girl fell down towards the ferry dock. Is an example of this.
What is alliteration?
"Rain lashed against the windows as Jane stamped up and down the room stopping only to check the time on the mantle clock every five minutes. Her book, bought with such enthusiasm the day before, was flung carelessly in the corner beside the abandoned picnic basket. Jane stamped her feet and began to repeat her earlier tedious complaints against nature. Emily merely smiled to herself and carried on reading the newspaper without as much as a nod of the head." Jane could be described as this mood.
What is grumpy or angry or frustrated?
The declaration stated that there was no prisoners of war. The word "declaration" in this sentence is this part of speech.
What is a noun?
"The wrong kind of person can slip by you simply as a wet noodles through your fingers" is an example of this type of figurative language.
What is a simile?
You can't slow down. Life doesn't slow down for anyone. You can't speed up either. You don't want to miss the details.
What is 2nd Person?
To find a main idea you must look for these things.
What are supporting details?
Rainsford falls from the yacht, after he falls Richard Connell states that "A certain coolheadedness had come to him; it was not the first time he had been in a tight place." After reading this statement, one can infer that Rainsford:
What is Rainsford knew how to survive?
She was just a girl when the circus came to town for the last time. The word "was" in this sentence is this part of speech.
What is a verb?
In the 1920's this time period was referred to as "the great depression" This title is an example of this kind of figurative language.
What is Oxymoron?
Sally cautiously open the frigerator. She wasn't about to get caught. The chocolate cake looked luminous. She hoped that her parents were still sleeping soundly so she could eat it without judgment.
What is 3rd Person limited?
Two people cross the street when they are immediately killed by an oncoming vehicle. The vehicle is an ambulance that is on it's way to a car accident scene. This scenario is an example of this.
What is irony?
"The men walked down the streets to the mine with their heads bent close to their chests. In groups of five or six they scurried on. It was impossible to recognize individuals from the small gaps between their caps, pulled down over their eyes, and the tightly bound scarves tied over the bottom half of their faces."
What is cold and windy?
Thousands flocked to the Rock and Roll Hall of fame in Cleveland when it opened in 1997. "Thousands" in this sentence is this part of speech.
What is a noun?
"That throws some light on the situation" is an example of this type of figurative language.
What is a metaphor?
Teddy stared at her intensely. She looked at him with shame. She didn't know how to tell him that she had lost the pendant he gave her. He shook his head as if he knew already.
What is 3rd person limited?
"The air hung shrilly over the damp shutters of the house. No one was at home, and the clouds shielded the sun for shining anywhere around." Someone says this is gloomy and they are describing this literary device.
What is tone?
Rainsford repeated the following statement to himself several times while General Zaroff was hunting him, "I must not lose my nerve." Based on the following statement infer what Rainsford meant:
What is that if he loses focus General Zaroff will win?
The band will practice tomorrow. "Tomorrow" in this sentence is this part of speech.
What is an adverb?
"He is so hungry, he could eat a whole horse" is an example of this.
What is hyperbole?
School systems need more classroom teachers. The fewer the students in one class, the more attention that can be given to indivdual students with individual needs.
What is 3rd person objective?
"Her hair was saturated with the white power from the make up. Her lips stained crimson parted ever so slightly to show pointed teeth." This is an example of this literary device.
What is imagery?
General Zaroff explains to Rainsford that many sailors are marooned on the island due to weather, he also adds, "Sometimes, when Providence is not so kind, I help Providence a bit." Based on the statement, you can infer that Zaroff meant:
What is General Zaroff takes matters into his own hands?
He is not going to the party tonight. "Not" in this sentence is this part of speech.
What is an adverb?