Do you recall?
Dementia, Death & Dying
Housing & Transportation
Retirement Income, Recreation & Leisure

"As people grow older, their intelligence declines significantly"

This is an example of ......


a set idea that people have about what someone or something is like, especially an idea that is wrong


True or False...

Symptoms of Dementia can be reversible


For delirium, depression, thyroid/heart disease, alcohol abuse, drug interaction & malnutrition


True or False...

Twice as many women live alone then men



True or False....

Mrs. B. was a stay-at-home mom all her life. She is a Canadian Citizen and has lived in Canada for 25 years. She had done volunteer work but was never formally employed. She would qualify for the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) and Old Age Security (OAS) when she turns 65. 



Mrs. A. lives with her husband in a retirement home and has moderate dementia. You are asked to assist with her balance and strengthening exercises. This is your first visit with her.  You will need to get consent for treatment from __________

Power of Attorney (POA) for personal care


"Older adults are stubborn and won't change their ways. You can't teach an old dog new tricks"

This is an example of......


An unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge


The 5 stages of Grief include....


Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance


According to the Law-Nahemow Ecological Model, the __________ has to match the client's competence or capabilities to be comfortable and have a positive affect on their ability to function 

Environmental demands (press)


True or False....

You can receive benefits from the Canada Pension Plan (CPP) before you are 65 yrs old



Mr. S. slipped and fell when getting out of the tub 2 weeks ago.  He wants to be able to bathe on his own but is fearful he will fall again. What can you do to help?

Suggest use of bath chair/tub transfer bench, grab bars, hand-held shower head, & non-slip bath mat.


An experienced worker was overlooked for a promotion due to their age.

This is an example of ......


Treating a person or particular group of people differently, especially in a worse way from the way in which you treat other people, because of their age, race, gender, etc.


The type of clients Dr. Kubler-Ross did her research on when examining the stages of grief

Hospitalized clients with cancer


Living with someone that is not your spouse or family member is an example of this type of living arrangement

Home Sharing


This group of seniors are at the greatest risk for poverty especially if they live far from the city



You are working with clients with dementia in LTC and your client's new room mate repeatedly asks you to get her a drink of water. You have never met her before. 

Do you get her a glass of water as requested?  


She may have a history of choking or medical restrictions 


Clients who use this type of support feel a better sense of control in their care when they need assistance at home. This type of support is more commonly used by men and is often turned to as a last resort

Formal Supports


The level of care/treatment "Do Not Resuscitate orders" will be found

Level 3 or below


An initiative to provide supports and services for an area where many seniors reside is and example of this type of community to help seniors "age in place"

Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities (NORCs)


Additional pension top-up for seniors making less than $20,000   

Guarantee Income Supplement (GIS)


You are working with a client with severe dementia and notice how much stress her daughter is experiencing when she has to care for her mother as well as her 2 young children in addition to working full-time. 

How can you help?

Education re: community resources, respite services, disease process

Provide emotional support, social support (peer groups)

Recommend safety equipment and assistive devices to maximize client’s independence


An elderly women was living in an unheated garage and had to be admitted to hospital due to hypothermia, dehydration and malnutrition. Her son owned the house and had enough space inside the home for his mother. What type of abuse would the family be charged with?



Family and friends of a client who passed away will go through these stages of grief

Initial Response phase

Intermediate Response phase

Recovery phase


Seniors who live in this setting tend to report a decrease in life satisfaction in their later years and tend to keep driving longer



This source of retirement income is funded through contributions by Canadian workers and their employers 

Canada Pension Plan (CPP)


Mr. G. is a 60 yr old who has end-stage lung cancer with metastases on his spine. He has shortness of breath and severe back pain with leg weakness when he walks and when he steps into the shower. 

What role would PT and OT have for this client?

Recommend gait aid/shower transfer aids

Education re: safety, pacing, use of appropriate supports for pain management, positioning to improve breathing, energy conservation, falls prevention