Elbow & Forearm
Wrist & Hand
Pelvis & Hip
Knee, Ankle & Foot

This bone is the most lateral bone of the forearm. 


This joint is located in each digit, between the distal carpal row and the metacarpals. 

carpometacarpal joints "CMC"

Palpating these areas of the pelvis help determine pelvic position. 



The bones of the knee joint include

patella, femur, tibia 


All positioning begins with the 



In order to prevent forearm rotation, a splint would need to immobilize which joints of the body?

humeroulnar, umeroradial, proximal radioulnar, distal radioulnar 


When "rocking on" with your second and fifth digit in extension while remaining digits are flexed, involves these muscles. 

Extensor indicis, extensor digiti minimi 


The professional way to describe the area between the legs for both men and women is the term


The bony protuberance of the ankle most vulnerable to external forces (such as hitting it on a table leg or the footrest of a wheelchair) is the  

lateral malleolus

How many points of contact does a person have while they are standing with their right arm on the counter, let arm reaching for an item in the cabinet, right foot non weight bearing and left foot contacting the floor?

2 (right arm and left foot) 

In order to isolate the brachioradialis for elbow flexion, you would instruct your patient to place their forearm in 

neutral position 


A tip pinch grasp requires the use of these thumb muscles. 

opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis, abductor pollicis brevis 


Your client is on the bicycle for isokinetic exercise and you observe their affected hip to lean medially towards their non affected hip. What muscles are most likely weakened? 

glutes (max, med, min), TFL, Sartorius, piriformis 


Your patient indicates pain "on the right side of the back of their right knee" whenever they "bend their knee". The muscle they are most likely identifying is the

biceps femoris 


Prolonged bed rest while a person lay supine in bed can result in pressure sores to what 5 bony prominences of the body?

occiput, scapula, olecranon, sacrum, calcaneus 


You observe your patient to bring their neck forward towards a fork when obtaining food. This indicates a deficit in what functional movement? 

Elbow flexion 


A spinal cord injury at what level affects digit flexion?


Weak core muslces lead to a _____ tilted pelvis. 



Your patient is a 24 year old track athlete who wants to improve their acceleration speed. What lower extremity muscle(s) need to be strengthened? 

Gastrocnemius, soleus, plantaris 


You observe your patient push away the rolling walker as they mobilize from the toilet to the shower, a distance of 4 feet. Without the upper extremity support on the walker, you notice one leg is rotated out to the side of the body during swing phase of gait. This abnormal gait pattern is called 

circumduction gait 


An adult experiences pain with elbow flexion and elbow extension as well as loss of grip strength. Which of the following should the OTR report the client is exhibiting?

A. Carpal tunnel syndrome

B. Radial tunnel syndrome

C. Pronator syndrome

D. Cubital tunnel syndrome

Cubital tunnel syndrome


At the end of a therapy session, the occupational therapy practitioner asks the child to assist with clean-up following a fine motor activity. The occupational therapy practitioner notes that the child picks up the small cereal items on the table with 2 fingers and places the items into a container accurately. What BEST describes the grasping pattern that the child is using to pick up the small cereal items?

A. Pincer grasp

B. Power grasp

C. Hook grasp

D. Lateral pinch

Pincer grasp


An 80-year-old was admitted to a skilled nursing facility after surgery to repair a fractured hip. The client was transferred to the facility from the hospital to regain independence in activities of daily living and mobility. The client was working in the garden and lost balance; however, did not sustain a fall to the ground. Although the client did not fall, the sudden movement led to a broken hip. During the evaluation, the client was unsure why the hip broke since a fall did not occur. Which of the following conditions is MOST LIKELY the largest contributor to the injury?

A. Osteopenia

B. Osteosarcoma

C. Osteoporosis

D. Osteoarthritis



An OTR is working with a client in an acute care setting. The client is 2 days post-operative following a below-knee amputation. The OTR addresses limb positioning during the initial intervention session with the client. Which is MOST APPROPRIATE for the OTR to recommend?

A. Hip and knee extension

B. Hip and knee flexion

C. Hip flexion with knee extension

D. Hip extension only

Hip and knee extension


A 70-year-old client with diabetes is wheelchair bound and complains of pain when sitting for extended periods of time. The OTR suspects that the client is at high risk for decubitus ulcers. Which is MOST APPROPRIATE for the OTR to address with this client?

A. Back of the head

B. Weight-bearing joints

C. Bony prominences

D. Trunk and back

Bony prominences