Foundations of Government
The Three Branches
Civil Rights and Liberties
Federalism vs State vs Local
Elections and Campaigns
(Political Parties)
What type of democracy does the US have?
What is representative democracy
In order to override a presidential veto, congress must have ____ vote in both chambers.
What is 2/3 Double Jeopardy!
Criticizing elected leaders is protected under which Amendment?
What is the First Amendment
Define federalism.
What is power divided between state and central government with the central government having more authority over power
The founding fathers believed that voters should be... A. White US citizens B. White job holders C. White land owners D. All US citizens
What is C. White land owners
The Declaration of Independence sent a list of grievances to whom?
Who is King George III
How many electoral college votes does a President need in order to have the majority out of a total of 538 votes?
What is 270 votes
Which Amendment protects the freedom to bear arms?
What is the Second Amendment
What is an example of a concurrent power?
Double Jeopardy!
Define a straight-party ticket.
What is voting for the party you are dedicated to
The essential features of a state include... A. Government, Population, Territory, Sovereignty B. Population, Territory, Sovereignty, Democracy C. Territory, Government, Confederacy, Command Economy
What is A. Government, Population, Territory, Sovereignty
Which of the following powers belong only to the Senate? A. Impeachment of officials B. Initiate tax bills C. Ratify treaties D. Conduct hearings
What is C. Ratify treaties
Attending an Easter church service or owning a hunting rifle are both examples of: A. Civil liberties B. Civil rights
What is A. Civil liberties
Does the Governor of Illinois have the power to be the chief educational office of the state?
What is No
Which of the following people would be most likely to vote? A. 18 year old high school graduate B. 21 year old college student with debt C. A 53 year old surgeon D. A 35 year old mother who works 8 am until 6 pm
What is C. A 53 year old surgeon
Which document limited what the government could not do and was later revised to be The Constitution?
What is Articles of Confederation
Controlling military spending belongs to which branch of government?
What is Congress
Which of the following is not an example of civil rights? A. Having an attorney appointed to you if you cannot afford one B.Trial by jury C. Not being discriminated by gender D. Someone writes a blog trashing the President
What is D. Someone writes a blog trashing the President
The legislative body in the State of Illinois is called the __________.
What is General Assembly
Define propaganda and negative/attack ads in terms of campaign strategies.
This document sets out the processes, structure, and principles of the government.
What is The Constitution
In a presidential election, the people in one state cast 8 million votes. Candidate Toe Jam received 7 million votes while Candidate Dust Bunny received 1 million votes. If the state had 31 electoral votes, how many would go to Candidate Toe Jam?
What is 31 votes
A person asks to see a search warrant before allowing a police officer to enter their home. This is an example of which Amendment?
What is the Fourth Amendment
Give an argument with support that shows whether a strong federal government or a strong state government is better. Use examples from the constitution.
DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (:
Why is gerrymandering a political strategy?
What is a gerry and why is he mandering.