Parliamentary Procedure
Plant ID
Organizations use THIS to conduct official business using well-defined rules and procedures so that all members can participate
What is Parliamentary Procedure
THIS is the first level of participation in FFA above the federation level
What is Region
THIS person is responsible for maintaining fairway and greens turf as well as sand traps and irrigation
What is golf course employee
Carl keeps accurate records including amounts of items bought and sold for his SAE. He has THIS type of SAE
What is Entrepreneurship
If Jody want to learn more about the words used in scientific classification, he would study THIS language
What is Latin
If Jordan thinks it is time to close the meeting, she moves to do THIS
What is adjourn
The plow reminds agricultural students and FFA members of THIS important principle
What is value of hard work
THIS person is responsible for displaying and selling bedding plants
What is garden center employee
Angela has a part time job working after school and on Saturdays at a local florist. She has THIS type of SAE
What is Placement
Matthew has THESE types of trees if they are small deciduous trees that flower all summer and into early fall with a flower color that may be white, pink, red, or purple
What are Crepe Myrtles
If a member wants a counted vote instead of a voice vote, the member should do THIS
What is call for a division
Serving in THIS FFA officer position can help Juan to gain experience that he might later use to keep financial records
What is Treasurer
THIS job is directly related to reducing the carbon footprint
What is green industry employee
Michele is computerizing the production records for a local nursery operation. She has THIS type of SAE
What is Improvement
At a local restaurant, Crystal saw THIS plant in a hanging basket with large green leaf-like growth that looked similar to a long vein down the middle. It had many little leaf-like structures called fronds, but it had no flowers or seeds
What is Boston Fern
THIS principle of parliamentary law helps prevent confusion and makes conducting business easier to understand
What is Only one item is addressed at a time
Sue wears a white collared shirt, black shoes, black skirt, FFA scarf, and FFA jacket zipped halfway to the top. She is missing THIS component of FFA official dress
What is Her jacket should be zipped to the top
THIS type of employee cares for the land area and plants surrounding a business, church, or school
What is grounds maintenance
Sheri's SAE is to identify an agricultural problem that cannot be solved by experiments. It does involve designing a plan to investigate and analyze the problem. She has THIS type of SAE
What is Analytical
Timothy found an indoor plant for his mother. If the scientific name is Ficus benjamina, it is THIS plant
What is Weeping Fig
Giving all members the opportunity to make, second, discuss, and vote on motions is an example of THIS parliamentary procedure principle
What is rights of minority are protected
The rising sun is an important part of the FFA emblem because it represents THIS
What is agricultural opportunity and progress
A person who is skilled in checking horticultural products for diseases, insects, and quality has THIS job
What is inspector
Hannah would use THIS SAE record heading is she has an entrepreneurship SAE
What is Type of Enterprise
THIS is the scientific name for Flowering Dogwood
What is Cornus florida