Main Idea
Point of View
Context Clues
Remember, if something is worth doing, it is worth doing correctly. That said, the key to making perfect cookies is merely a matter of preparation and precision. To begin with, read your cookie recipe thoroughly before baking. Make sure that you have all of the necessary ingredients before you continue. Next, use good tools and utensils. Sometimes, the craftsperson is only as good as his or her tools. By using good tools you can minimize mistakes and improve the quality of your product. Lastly, you should use top quality ingredients. Unlike in the fairytales, you can’t turn lead into gold. If you use poor quality materials, you’ll create an inferior product. So, to make perfect cookies you should use the highest quality materials available. Bon apatite!
This paragraph explains how to make perfect cookies.
We lived on the main residential street in town—Atticus, Jem and I, plus Calpurnia our cook. Jem and I found our father satisfactory: he played with us, read to us, and treated us with courteous detachment… Our mother died when I was two, so I never felt her absence. She was a Graham from Montgomery; Atticus met her when he was first elected to the state legislature. A. First-person B. Second-person C. Third-person objective D. Third-person limited E. Third-person omniscient.
A. First Person: The story is written from "we" and the perspective of "I."
PROJECTILES include those items that are shot forward such as a cannon shell, bullet, or rocket. Using the example clue, the word projectiles in this sentence means
Impelled forward: hurled or impelled forward
Tom has always liked Lucy, but Lucy has always thought Tom was annoying and unattractive. One day, Lucy comes home to find an eviction notice on her door. Apparently, her roommate had been spending the rent money that Lucy was giving her on other things. Lucy only has 24 hours to get all her stuff over to her mom’s house, and Lucy doesn’t even have a car. But Tom has a truck. So Lucy calls up Tom and asks him how he’s doing. She tells him that she’s always thought he was funny, and that they should hang out sometime. Tom thinks that Lucy has finally come around is beginning to like her. He also thinks that his jokes are funny because she is laughing after everything that he says. Which type of irony is used? A. Dramatic irony B. Situational irony C. Verbal irony
A. Dramatic Irony
Kelvin was waiting in front of the corner store at 3:56. His muscles were tense and he was sweating a bit more than usual. The other kids gathered in front of the little storefront were much more relaxed, even playful. They joked back and forth lightly to each other but for Kelvin, time slowed. 3:57. “Don’t worry, Kelvin. He ain’t even gonna show up.” Kelvin hoped that he wouldn’t. A black four-door Camry with tinted windows pulled up and parked across the street. Kelvin gulped. 3:58. A group of teenagers piled out of the car. James was in the front. “Hi-ya, Kelvin. Glad you could make it,” James said. Kelvin felt smaller. Why is Kelvin waiting at the corner store?
He's going to fight James.
Sometime in December of 1891, Dr. James Naismith, a gym teacher at the YMCA College in Springfield, Massachusetts was trying to keep his gym class active on a rainy day. He wanted a vigorous game that would keep his students moving. After rejecting a few other ideas because they were too rough or not suited for the walled-in gym, Naismith wrote out the rules for a game with peach baskets fixed to ten-foot elevated tracks. Naismith’s students played against one another, passing the ball around and shooting it into the peach baskets. Dribbling wasn’t a part of the original game, and it took a while to realize that the game would run more smoothly if the bottoms of the baskets were removed, but this game grew to be one of the most popular sports in America today. Can you guess which one?
This paragraph is about the invention of basketball.
The next morning Mr. Sir marched the boys to another section of the lake, and each boy dug his own hole, five feet deep and five feet wide. Stanley was glad to be away from the big hole. At least now he knew just how much he had to dig for the day. And it was a relief not to have other shovels swinging past his face, or the Warden hanging around. A. First-person B. Second-person C. Third-person objective D. Third-person limited E. Third-person omniscient.
D. Third-Person Limited: Narration is limited to Stanley's perspective
Zack was a good at many sports. He excelled in swimming, running, horsemanship, fencing, and target shooting. He decided to compete in the PENTATHLON rather than having to choose one of the events. Using the example clue, the word pentathlon in this sentence means
Competition with five events
A mean old man ate a large meal at a restaurant. The waitress tried to provide him with excellent service, but every time she brought him a dish, he complained. First he thought that the soup was too cold when it was hot. Then he said that his steak was dry and chewy, when it was moist and succulent. Then he complained that one of her blonde hairs was in his mashed potatoes, but the hair was actually grey like his own. She remained patient and continued to try to help him until the end of the meal, when he left her a quarter for a tip. She replied on his way out, “Thank you for the generous tip, Mister.” Which type of irony is used? A. Dramatic irony B. Situational irony C. Verbal irony
C. Verbal Irony
Everyday after work Paul took his muddy boots off on the steps of the front porch. Alice would have a fit if the boots made it so far as the welcome mat. He then took off his dusty overalls and threw them into a plastic garbage bag; Alice left a new garbage bag tied to the porch railing for him every morning. On his way in the house, he dropped the garbage bag off at the washing machine and went straight up stairs to the shower as he was instructed. He would eat dinner with her after he was “presentable,” as Alice had often said.What type of job does Paul work?
Paul works some kind of job that requires him to get dirty: ditch digger, miner, laborer, etc.
The wolverine, a medium sized mammal weighing no more than 50 lbs., has earned its reputation for ferocity with its documented ability to kill prey many times its size. The reason why wolverines have so many conflicts with other animals (including wolves, cougars, and even bears) is probably because of the wolverine’s preferred hunting style. Rather than chasing down or tricking its prey like most hunters, the wolverine prefers to take its meals directly from other hunters. So while a polar bear or a lone wolf might be enjoying a hard earned carcass, a hungry wolverine may try to take his lunch. This keeps the wolverine in plenty of fights.
The wolverine is very tough and takes its meals from other animals.
Remember, any tool that you can use against an enemy may also be used against you. Therefore it is highly recommended that you build a course with your clan to practice keeping your wits about you when something is trying to set you off course. Ninjas train on special courses that really mess with their perception of space, but that doesn’t mean you can’t make your own mini gauntlet to increase your skills in your own backyard. A. First-person B. Second-person C. Third-person objective D. Third-person limited E. Third-person omniscient.
B. Second-Person: Instructions and directions are usually written from second-person perspective.
PRECIPITATION, such as rain and snow, falls from the sky. In this sentence, the word precipitation means?
The formation of rain, snow, or hail from moisture in the air
The rapper Eminem is well-known for his song writing ability, but he is equally known for his shockingly profane and obscene lyrical content. Eminem has made a fortune selling his curse filled songs to millions of children around the world. But, on a 60 Minutes interview, Eminem claimed that there was no swearing in his own home and that his children were not allowed to play music with curse words, including his own tracks. Which type of irony is used? A. Dramatic irony B. Situational irony C. Verbal irony DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!
B. Situational irony
Max Picked up the telephone and began to dial. Frowning, he put down the receiver. He opened a drawer in the desk and pulled out a large book. Max turned the pages. Soon he found what he was looking for. Then Max picked up the phone and dialed once more. Which sentence is most likely true? A. Max was making a long distance call B. Max forgot the number he was calling C. Max forgot what he wanted to say
B. Max forgot the number he was calling
From airplanes to forklifts, hydraulic power is the strength behind many amazing technologies that affect our daily lives, even the breaks on your school bus, but how do they work? First, fluid is rapidly released into a chamber through a valve. As the fluid collect, the valve is slammed shut which causes a pressure spike. Because the chamber is sealed, the pressure has nowhere to go. The hydraulic mechanism channels the pressure and provides great power. And that’s how, with the help of hydraulics, Grandma can stop a car with one foot.
This paragraph is about how hydraulics work.
The Scarecrow found a tree full of nuts and filled Dorothy’s basket with them, so that she would not be hungry for a long time. She thought this was very kind and thoughtful of the Scarecrow, but she laughed heartily at the awkward way in which the poor creature picked up the nuts. His padded hands were so clumsy that he dropped almost as many as he put in the basket. But the Scarecrow did not mind how long it took him to fill the basket, for it enabled him to keep away from the fire, as he feared a spark might get into his straw and burn him up. A. First-person B. Second-person C. Third-person objective D. Third-person limited E. Third-person omniscient. DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!!!
E. Third-Person Omniscient:Dorothy and the Scarecrow's thoughts are revealed.
Unlike his sister Cattie, who had a very calm and mellow DISPOSITION, John jumped on Sofas and ran through the house like an animal kingdom. In this sentence, the word disposition means?
An inclination or tendency to act in a particular way
Wow, a sweater! Thanks Bobby," said Janet after opening the present. Janet thought the sweater was hideous, but she appreciated her boyfriend's effort. But since Janet had seen the sweater before at a store in the mall, she exchanged it for some boots at the first chance she got. A week later, however, Bobby made reservations for two at the fanciest restaurant in town "Janet, I want to take you somewhere special. I have good news to tell you. Wear that sweater that I got you," Bobby told her. Janet didn't know how to react, "Um… that sweater doesn't quite match these boots I want to wear. Is it cool if I just wear it another time?" Bobby huffed, "You know, Janet, this meal is going to be expensive. The least you could do is act like you appreciate my gift." Janet paused to think. Which type of irony is used? A. Dramatic irony B. Situational irony C. Verbal irony
A. Dramatic irony
The factory was humming. On one floor a metal press stamped a large square of blue nylon. Fifty white stars appeared on the cloth. A worker stitched the stars more firmly in place. Then the blue square was attached to the 13 stripes of red and white nylon. Finally, the worker folded the whole thing into the box. Which sentence is most likely true? A. The workers in this factory make nylon B. This paragraph is about making music C. This paragraph is about a flag factory
C. This paragraph is about a flag factory
Many people use the words cyborg and android interchangeably when, in fact, they have different meanings. Both terms refer to beings powered by robotics, but an android is powered entirely by robots. Though androids are completely mechanical, they are designed to look like humans. They may have synthetic skin, hair, and other features, but no human organs. On the other hand, cyborgs are part human and part machine. They may have robotic hands, legs, or eyes, but all cyborgs have surgically implanted technologies that enhance their abilities.
This paragraph compares and contrasts androids and cyborgs.
Harry called their grand finale “Metamorphosis,” which means “change in appearance.” Harry would tie Theo’s hands behind his back with a rope, then put him in a sack and tie the top. The tied and bagged Theo was then placed into the trunk which was locked and tied with ropes. A curtain was drawn so that no one could see the trunk, although they could hear Theo banging around inside. With great drama, Houdini told the audience, “When I clap my hands three times—behold a miracle!” He moved behind the curtain, clapped three times, and out stepped Theo, arms raised triumphantly”. A. First-person B. Second-person C. Third-person objective D. Third-person limited E. Third-person omniscient.
C. Third-Person Objective: No character's thoughts are revealed, only their actions and dialogue.
John may have been excited about becoming an artist, but his mother was waiting to see if he’d see this ENDEAVOR through before buying him the expensive paint kit. In this sentence, the word endeavor means?
Try hard to do something: to make a serious and sincere effort to achieve something
When Mr. Goodenwell saw his baby boy Vince for the first time, he swore that he'd do anything to protect the little guy. This was easy at first, when all Vince did was lie in a pillow and drink milk. But as little Vince grew bigger, he started walking. And once he started walking, he got into everything. He was becoming a serious threat to himself when Mr. Goodenwell, making good on his vow to protect his son, went to the store and bought $150 worth of equipment to childproof his home. He put covers on the outlets, bumpers on the table corners, and a sliding lock on the toilet lid. But right as Mr. Goodenwell was adjusting the covers on the door knobs, Vince pulled the cap off an outlet and choked on it. Mr. Goodenwell found him just in time. Which type of irony is used? A. Dramatic irony B. Situational irony C. Verbal irony
B. Situational irony
Sally dashed from the elevator. She gave her grandmother a quick hug at the door. She dropped her book bag at the table. Then she headed for the kitchen. Out came the bread. Out came the jam. In no time Sally made a snack. A. Sally does not have any homework B. Sally likes Peanut Butter on bread C. Sally is hungry after school
C. Sally is hungry after school