Restate this sentence using approved nursing abbreviations. " Take 325milligrams of tylenol by mouth every four hours as needed."
What is Take 325mg tylenol po q4h, PRN
A nurse is providing care to a patient with expressive aphasia. The nure understands that in order to properly communicate with the patient he/she must ask:
What is yes or no questions
A nurse is providing care to a patient with suspected HYPOcalcemia. What would the nurse assess for during the assessent of this client.
What is positive Trousseau's and/ or Chvostek's sign
What are the three parts of an "actual" nursing diagnosis statement?
What is Problem, etiology/related to, signs and symptoms.
True or False: A wound culture should be done after the first dose of anitibiotics.
What is False: Before the first dose
An older adult is admitted to the hospital. The nurse notices that the patient has been very quiet. The nurse recoginizes that. in the older adult, quiteness may be an expression of what: A. Fear B. Agitation C. Separation Anxiety D. Depression
What is Separation Anxiety
True or Flase: A set of learned values, beliefs, customs, and practices that are shared by a group and passed from one generation to another is known as ethnicity.
What is false; Culture
The most prominent safety issue, in the older adult, caused by age-related changes in the musculoskeletal system is:
What are falls
A nurse is taking care of a client who has been prescribed a clear liquid diet. The nurse ask the patient, "what is a clear liquid diet and can i have chicken noodle soup?" The nurse would respond with ....
What is A clear liquid diet is a diet with only liquids that you can see through, that leave little to no resdiual in the digestive tract. You cannot have chicken noodle soup, but I can offer you some chicken broth.
A nurse is providing care to a patient who is recieveing continuous nasogastric tube feedings. The nurse understands that which position is best for this patient in order to prevent aspiration?
What is Semi-Fowler's postion.
While perfroming a bedbath, the nurse examines the patient's bony prominences. The nurse is assessing for what?
What is presssure ulcers, bed sores, impaired skin integrity
True or False: If it wasn't documented, it wasn't implemented.
What is true
True or false: The nurse's BEST defense against a lawsuit is to document carefully.
What is False: Provide compassionate and comptent care.
Drug abosroption deals with how the drug is:
What is transferred from site of entry into circulation.
During insertion of a foley catheter, the client grimaces as the balloon is infalted. What action by the nurse would be most appropriate at this time.
What is defalte the balloon.
True or false; While making an occupied bed the nurse places the bed in low position, removes all of the soiled linen prior to applying clean fitted sheet, and positions draw sheet tightly over the top sheet.
What is False: Bed should be raised to comfortable position for the nurse, remove soiled linen and replace with clean linen as you go, draw sheet should be placed on top of fitted sheet, under top sheet.
How often should a client be offered assistance to the restoroom when initiating bladder training.
What is every 2 hours
Fact or Myth: Healthy older adults have few or no sexual needs.
What is myth
The nurse is preparing to do an assessment, the nurse knows that the correct order tp perform each technique is:
What is Inspection, auscultation, palpation, percussion.
When using the tympanic thermomter on a child, the nurse will pull the pinna in which direction?
What is Down and back
Range of motion excersises that are performed by the patient without help from the nurse is called?
What is Active Range of motion.
Who was responisible for the development of public health nursing in the united states?
Who is Lillian D. Wald pg 5 table 1-1 (know it)
The nurse is providing care to a client who has had knee surgery. The nurse understands that the she is assessing the site for which findings, that would indicate a localized inflammatory response?
What is rubor, erythemia, edema, redness, warmth, minimal purulent drainage.
The nurse discovers smoke in a soiled utility room and remembers the INITIAL step taken to protect the patient in the event of fire is:
What is RACE, R= remove patient from area.
A nurse is providing care to client who has limited mobility. The nurse is assessing the patient and notes an erythematous and edematous area over the coccyx without an open lesion. The nurse knows that this will be documented as what stage of pressure ulcer.
What is Stage 1