If you leave a review at a restaurant, and no one knows it is you, you are being ___________.
What's the difference between genes and jeans?
Genes – DNA from our parents
Jeans – denim pants
What is the difference between Mr., Ms., And Mrs.?
Mr. – Male
Ms. – Unmarried female (or if you don't know)
Mrs. – Married female
What is the username and password to these computers?
username: stuCEWD_ESL
password: Workshop_Student!
What do these mean? ASAP, POTUS, RIP
as soon as possible
President of the United States
rest in peace
What does it mean to micro-manage?
What does this emoji mean?
mind-blown: used in response to unexpected information
What is the thing called on this emoji's head?
What is the game called when you are given two options, and you have to choose the one you prefer?
"Would you rather?"