Tickets / CICO

When you see a fraction problem, what is it secretly?

It is secretly a division problem.


What happened to cancel Taylor Swifts concerts?

There were terror attacks planned to occur at her concerts. Arrests have been made.


True or False

All letters of an acronym do NOT have to be capitalized.

(**Bonus points if you can provide an example of an acronym**)


They all need to be capitalized.

(**Bonus 100 = GPA, NBA, etc.)


What type of art did we do yesterday?

Japanese Notan


How many tickets do you earn just by coming into the classroom on time at the beginning of the school day, or after breaks and lunch?

You earn two tickets for being ready to come in class on time.

True or False

2, 5, 6, 6, 11, 19, 20

The range of these numbers is 6.


The range is 18. 

6 is the mode of the numbers, not the range.


Due to the growing concern of mental health issues for students in schools, what are schools going to start implementing to help students?

Yoga, meditation, and mindfulness strategies.


True or False

Mrs. Hutchins is writing an essay about how to be successful as a freelance writer. She is writing a persuasive essay.


Mrs. Hutchins is writing a How To essay.


What is Optical Art?

Optical art uses optical illusions in it. Many better known pieces are in black and white.


True or False

It is independent work time and a student logged onto Edmentum when asked, started their work right away, and worked quietly for most of the period, aside from a 5 minute break the student took outside of the classroom. This student did not earn their CICO responsibility points.


Of course the student earned all of their CICO responsibility points. The student worked for the entire period and followed classroom expectations. Breaks, if needed, are encouraged to help students re-focus.


When a problem in math is asking you to find the absolute value of a number (whether negative or positive) what is the problem asking you to do?

It is asking you the distance that number is from 0. 

Ex: The l2l = 2 and the l-2l = 2

Both numbers are two spaces away from 0 on a number line.


What are the three re-occurring story topics of this week?

(**Double Points if your team gets all three**)

VP Harris/Election; Olympics; Weather Events (flooding, hurricanes, fires, heat waves)



Persuasive PE Essay

What does GPA stand for? 

Grade Point Average


Give an example of two complementary colors. 

(**Bonus points if you can define what complementary colors are**)

Red/Green; Yellow/Violet; Blue/Orange

(**Bonus 200 = colors across from each other on the color wheel**)


Students are out at PE playing basketball. All parties are having fun until Student A bumps into Student B and shoots the ball in the hoop. Student B yells, "Did you just push me!?" Student B picks up the basketball and chucks it towards Student A, hitting Student A in the upper arm. Student A yells, "OW! I didn't mean to bumb into you!" How many CICO points did Student B not earn? 

(**Bonus points if you can guess why Student A most likely earned all of theirs**)

Student B did not earn a full 6 points for chucking the ball at Student A, which made contact with the upper arm. Likely this student will be on separation as well.

(**Bonus 100 = Student A earned all of their points because it appears Student A's bump was an accident, just due to attempting to make a shot into the hoop. While Student B was probably in the heat of the game, that does not justify chucking the ball at another student and hurting them). 


True or False

The mode means finding the number that is repeated most often within a number sequence.



True or False

Stocks have had the biggest drop in 2 recently and are not bouncing back.


They are just starting to bounce back.


Which essay do you use a sequence chart for?

A. Persuasive

B. How To

C. Compare and Contrast

B. How To


True or False

Vertical lines go from left to right or right to left.

(**Double Points**)


Vertical lines extend up and down.

Horizontal lines go from left to right or right to left.



Two students are engaging in side-chatter in the classroom during a Podcast share-out time. The teacher turns and says, "Let's stop the side chatter you two." The two students continue to engage in side chatter. Which category of CICO points does this fall under? How many CICO points will these students likely not be earning if they continue?

Side-chatter in the classroom falls under the Respect category of the CICO points. If the students continue, they will likely not earn 1-2 Respect points. 

(Arguing w/ staff, not getting work done as expected, etc. could result in less earnings)


True or False

The quotient of 158 and 2 is 160.

(**bonus points if you can define quotient**)


The sum of 158 and 2 is 160.

The quotient is 79

(**Bonus 100 = a quotient is the answer to a division problem**)


Elon Musk is working on a project that has the FDA concerned. What is this project called?

The Neurolink Project (implanting a brain chip into a person's spinal cord)


Mrs. Swaty is sitting down to write a compare and contrast essay. She has a ven diagram in front of her and is separating her thoughts on either side of the diagram. What stage of the writing process is Mrs. Swaty engaging in?

(**Double points/replacement points if you can label what type of information goes in the three sections correctly**)

Brainstorming stage (Pre-writing)

(**left side is Topic A differences, right side is Topic B differences, the middle is similarities between Topic A and B**)


What is convex versus concave?

Convex is curved outward, like a ball or sphere.

Concave is curved inward, like the inside of a bowl.


When it comes to tickets, why did we start to tally tickets this summer instead of giving them out like we used to? What was the behavior that caused us to start doing this?

Sharing tickets / Writing other's initials on tickets