A preferred item only available by exchanging it for tokens
What is a backup R+?
The relationship in which an antecedent serves as a cue or causes behaviour to occur.
What is Stimulus Control?
- An easier form of communication takes off the pressure of speaking
- Once goal of communication is mastered, learner can focus on speech production
- Choosing the most efficient form of communication
- Automatic R+
What are the hypothesis as to why AAC leads to speech production?
Pointing or selecting a stimulus in an array
What is selecting based?
One of the first verbal operants taught?
What is manding?
Tokens are paired to be _________ reinforcers
What is a conditioned reinforcer?
Building a positive working relationship between the instructor and the learner
What is instructional control?
Emitting responses that are specified by a particular characteristic of topography (form).
What is topography based verbal bx?
The number of phases in the PECS.
What is 6 phases?
Sd of manding
What is MO
The audible noise in TAG teach is paired to be used as a _______ R+
What is a conditioned R+?
1. Control preferred items
2. Be Fun
3. Be trusted
4. Following instructions= get what you want
5. Reinforcement
6. Demonstrate your priorities
7. Ignoring does not equal R+
What are the steps to building instructional control?
Goal of giving the learner a sample or item or activity without demands
What is contriving/confirming MO?
The third phase of PECS training, when the learner selects the correct item from an array is called.
What is discrimination training?
Keeping preferred items restricted to reduce competing reinforcers.
What is sanitizing the environment?
The acronym used to choose a tag point
What is WOOF?
The interchange of thought, opinion or information by speech, writing or signs. This can occur without language.
What is communication?
1) Response Effort
2) Helps develop speech
3) Portability
4) Ability to teach mands across verbal operants
5) Facilitates receptive language
6) Response speech similar to talking
What are the advantages of sign?
1. Minimal training to understand the speaker
2. Do not require fine motor ability
3. PECS enhances speech
4. Early acquisition
What are the advantages of PECS?
Mand for actions, Fading MO, Mands for attention, Mand for removal of aversive, mand for help
What are targets for intermediate learners?
TAG teach can be used to R+ precise behavior from a distance, what does this help avoid?
What is prompt dependency?
The system of words we use and how we use them.
What is language?
The number of times you are recommended to say the name of the item with each mand
What is three?
1. Limited portability
2. A lost picture is a lost word
3. Binder needs to be available at all times
4. Response effort
5. Requires an effective scanning repertoire
What are (some) disadvantages of PECS?
Manding with attributes, manding with yes/no, mandng for information
What are mands to teach an advanced learner?