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Who did Alexander Hamilton become an aide to?

Who is General Washington or George Washington? 


What was the civil was mainly about 

the secession of southern states caused the north and south to take up arms / go to war 


What are the 3 natural rights ?

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness 


Who is Andrew Jackson ?

Andrew Jackson policies spoke for the common people but violated Native American rights (former democratic republican president)


What is Manifest destiny 

The 19th - century belief that the United States would inevitably expand westward to the Pacific Ocean and into Mexico territory 


Who is John Quincy Adams 

A former president that started a war with France soon after taking office 


What was the Kansas / Nebraska Act 

a law enacted in 1854 that established the territories of Kansas and Nebraska and gave their residents the right to decide whether to allow slavery 


What was the anaconda plan 

A 3 part strategy by which the union proposed to defeat the confederacy in the civil war 


Who is Harriet Tubman 

freed slave that went back and helped enslaved people escape through the underground railroad 


What is Federalism 

 A political system in which a national government and constituent units, such as state governments, share power


Who is Thomas Jefferson 

 Writer of the declaration of independence 


What was the Dred Scott case?

The supreme court ruled that African Americans were not and could never be citizens, thus Dred Scott had no right to even file a lawsuit and remain enslaved 


What was the 3/5th compromise

Slaves would be counted as ⅗ of a person when counting the population of a slave state 


Who was Abraham Lincoln?

16th president that went to war with the confederacy in hopes to bring the union back together and as a result he abolished slavery in the U.S.


What was the Great Compromise

The constitutional conventions agreement to establish a 2-house national legislature, with all states having equal representation in one house and each state having equal representation based on its population in the other house  


Who is John Brown 

Cut off hands of abolitionists and killed 5 people because 5 of his people were killed on his land, he's the reason for bleeding Kansas 


What was the French and Indian war 

A conflict in North America lasting from 1754 to 1763 that was a part of worldwide struggle between France and Britain and that ended with the defeat of France and the transfer of French Canada to Britain 


Alien and Sedition Acts

A series of 4 laws enacted in 1798 to reduce the political power of recent immigrants to the United States


Who is Frederick Douglas 

Free slave that took an active role in a variety of political cause like slavery 


13th amendment 

an amendment to the U.S. constitution adopted in 1865 that has abolished slavery and involuntary servitude


What did General Grant do ?

 fought in the war with Mexico because he believed his duty was to serve his country - grant served as a colonel of the Illinois volunteers 

Missouri Compromise 

A series of agreements passed by congress in 1820-1821 to maintain the balance of power between slave states and free states 


What was the Emancipation Proclamation?

An executive order issued by Abraham Lincoln on January 1st 1863, freeing the slaves in all regions behind the confederate lines


Who is General Lee 

Fought for the confederacy out of loyalty to his home state, Virginia 


14th amendment 

amendment to the U.S. constitution adopted in 1868 that makes all persons born or naturalized in the United States (including former slaves) citizens of the country in guarantees equal protection of the laws