Test #1
Test #2
Test #3

There are 8 circles, 3 of which are shaded.

If a student said they got 9/3, what is the whole unit?

1 circle (9/3 of 1 circle)


Rewrite 327.16 million in at least 4 different ways

Various answers


Jessie has 14 marbles and Zuri has 40 marbles. If Zuri gives Jessie all her marbles, how many does Jessie have? Solve using base-ten blocks and use pictures/steps

54 marbles


28 + 27

30 and 30 is 60, but then you need to take away. First 2, and get 58, then 3, and get 55

Identify student strategy and analyze student work



2 hexagons and 2 rhombi represent 2 2/3 of a whole. What is the whole?

1 hexagon or 3 rhombi


If 1 big cube, 10 flats, 950 smc, and 500 sm flats are worth 3, what is worth one?

10 flats or 1 Big Cube


Harold charges $17 an hour for tutoring. In one week she made $68. How many hours did Harold work?

What view of division is this?

4 hours



3 rhombi = 1 whole unit 

Show 3/6 in two different ways

3 triangles or 1 trapezoid


Determine the value of each pattern block (triangle, rhombus, and trapezoid) 

if 3 hexagons= 1 whole unit


Rhombus= 1/9

Triangle= 1/36


613.05 tens can be thought of as...

Student A: 6130.5 ones 

Student B: 61.305 thousands 

Student C: 613050 tenths

Correct wrong answers (Keep place value unit the same; change the number)

Student A: 6130.5 ones 

Student B: 6.1305 thousands

Student C: 61305 tenths


123 + 56

Solve using two different strategies 



In the number 345.267 the value of the place occupied by the digit 3 is how many times as great as the value of the place occupied by the digit 6?

10,000 times as great


Identify which fraction is greater: 





Draw a number line. Find the point on the number line that is 1/3 of the way between 1 and 2 1/2

1 2/4 or 1 1/2


59 - 28

(50 + 9) - (20+8)

50 - 20= 30

9-8= 1

30 +1= 31

Identify the strategy used and analyze the student's strategy  

Partial differences


How many tens are in 3642? Determine which are correct or incorrect

Student responses:

Student A: 40 tens

Student B:364 tens

Student C: 364.2 tens exactly

Student A is incorrect

Student B is correct if we are talking about whole tens

Student C is correct if we are talking about exact tens


4/8 of Barbie's pattern blocks are the same as 1/3 of Ben's pattern blocks. Who has fewer total pattern blocks, and what fraction is the lesser amount compared to the larger?

Barbie has fewer blocks

2/3 of Ben's Blocks


If 3 rods and 4 smc is 1/10, what is 1/100?

3 smc and 4 sm flats


Shawn has 14 first-grade students. He buys 126 pencils as birthday favors for his students. Can he divide the pencils equally among his students? How many pencils does each student get?

What view of division is this?

Yes. Each student gets 9 pencils.

Partitive division 


Nick receives his paycheck for the month. He spends 3/8 of it on food. He then spends 3/5 of what remains on his house payment. He spends 1/3 of what is left on his other bills. Finally, he spends 1/4 of the remaining money on entertainment. This leaves him with $100. What was his original paycheck amount?

$800 was his original paycheck amount