Free fall
Projectile motion
Work, Power, Energy
An athlete runs exactly once around a circular track with a total length of 500 m. Find the runner's displacement for the race.
no displacement
A feather is dropped on the moon from a height of 1.40 meters. The acceleration of gravity on the moon is 1.67 m/s2. Determine the time for the feather to fall to the surface of the moon.
1.29 s
What equations are needed to analyze a projectile with two dimensions?
X=Voxt and Y=12gt2
A box (6 Kg) is resting on a ramp. will it slide down or stay at rest? Θ=30° and µ static =0.5
The box will move.
A 70kg boy has 35 Joules of Kinetic Energy. How fast is he walking
1 m/s
A race car starting from rest accelerates at a rate of 4.5 m/s^2. What is the car’s speed after it has traveled 200 meters?
42.4 m/s
A baseball is popped straight up into the air and has a hang-time of 6.25 s. Determine the height to which the ball rises before it reaches its peak. (Hint: the time to rise to the peak is one-half the total hang-time.)
47.9 m
Which one or more of the following statements are correct? A The acceleration of the projectile remains constant during its upward flight. B The acceleration of the projectile remains constant during its downward flight. C The acceleration of the projectile increases during its downward flight. D The acceleration of the projectile decreases during its upward flight. (more than one answer)
A and B
A 5 Kg ball hangs from a string attached to the ceiling of the elevator. Calculate the tension of the string if the elevator moves up at 2 m/s²
60 N
A 50kg girl does 10 pushups by pushing herself up 10 cm each time. Calculate the total work done
A man on a platform drops a hammer. If the hammer falls 6 meters in 2.5 seconds, what is its acceleration?
1.92 m/s^2
A bowling ball falls freely (near the surface of the Earth) from rest. How far does it fall in 4 seconds, and how fast will it be going at that time?
40 m/s
A pool ball falls off a 0.60-meter high table. Predict the time required for the pool ball to fall to the ground:
A desk has a mass of 5 kilograms. If the coefficient of static friction between the desk and the floor is 0.04, what force must be used to move the desk from rest?
A person pushes a box with a force of 20N to make it move 2 m in 15 seconds. Calculate the power exerted
If it takes you 7 minutes to walk with an average velocity of .5 m/s from your car to your first period class, what is the distance between your car and your classroom?
A ball is thrown directly upward with an initial velocity of 22.5 m/s. How long will the ball take to reach its maximum height?
2.30 s
If a person can jump a horizontal distance of 3 m on Earth, how far could the person jump on the moon where the acceleration due to gravity is 1/6th of gravity on earth?
A 10kg cart is pulled by a rope at an angle of 30 degrees. Find the coefficient of friction if the force applied was 20 N.
A person is traveling at 30 m/s in his 1500-kg car. He spots a police car and slows down to a speed of 20 m/s. Determine the work done in his deceleration
A remote control car is driven along a straight track at 2 m/s. The child controlling the car then activates the toy's turbo mode so that, 3 seconds later, the car's speed is 4 m/s. Find its average acceleration
.67 m/s^2
A rock is dropped off a cliff that is 105 m tall. How long will it take to hit the ground?
4.63 s
Dustin leaps from the edge of a cliff with a velocity of 3.3 m/s horizontally. He hits the water 1.2 seconds later. How far out does he land?
3.96 m
A 2 kg toy helicopter accelerates upward at 2m/s2. Calculate the force applied
A 20kg shopping cart traveling at a speed of 2m/s crashes into the wall and bounces off 50 cm. Determine the resistive force on the cart given off by the wall