Calculating Bails
Taking Bails
Payments & Taxes
Community Service

What is a bail

The money that is required to a following sentence in order to get them out of jail. 


What is the formula for calculating bails? (Not in regards to weaponry bails.)

Highest bail plus 15k for every additional sentence.

If you receive a bail that isn't yours, what do you do with it?

Pay it to the A/O.


Where do you log in your payments?

#kpd-payment-logs in Discord


Can anyone do community service? If you said yes or no, what is the reasoning?

No, their bail must be 150,000 or above in order to be eligible for community service (unless discussed with a higher-up). 

May someone who was arrested use a different character to bail their character out.

No, you cannot bail your own character out, neither an alt account or different character.


What is the bail & OOC jail time, and bail time for Vandalism, False Reporting, and Evasion?

80,000 bail

In jail for 2 OOC Months, can be bailed in 3 OOC Days


What do you do after receiving a bail? 

Log it into #bail-logs in discord by the following format.


What is your maximum amount of money for each month?



How much does community service lower a bail by?

25% of one's bail is reduced.


What is the bail limit?

There isn't a bail limit, however specific sentences have restricted bails, bails in regards to murder don't have limits, just don't make them unrealistically high.


What is the formula for Possession of Major & Minor Illegal Weaponry?

Major Weaponry: 400k+100k for each additional weapon unless a higher sentence, 100k for each weapon total.

Minor Weaponry: 150k+50k for each additional weapon unless a higher sentence; 50k for each weapon total.


Should you log your own bail? 

No, if you receive your own bail DO NOT put it into #bail-logs.


Do you log fines in payment logs?

No, you can simply keep the money for fines without having to log anything.


How long should an inmate do each chore.

10 OOC Minutes per chore. 


What do you do if someone cannot pay a fine?

Arrest them for Failure to Pay a Fine, in which has no bail date and they are in jail for 3 OOC Days


What is the bail, OOC jail time, and bail date for Possession of Major Illegal Weaponry 2x, Possession of Minor Illegal Weaponry, and Evasion?

Bail is 565,000 

In jail for 6 OOC Months and can be bailed in 5 OOC Days.


What are you to NOT share when it comes to delivering information from the spreadsheet to someone who inquires it. 

Arresting Officer RPName, Arresting Officer IGN are both details you can NEVER share.


What do you do if you made over 400,000 on the same month?

You pay the taxes of all the money that you earned that was over 400,000, you CANNOT keep any additional money.


How many chores should they do and how should they do it?

There isn't a baseline amount of required chores, it is recommended three chores, though. (Either or answer works). They must DetailRP each of their action while performing community service. 


Who is the head of Informational Training? (Head Informational)

LoboLibo/Gesuta Fu


What is the bail and FULL sentence for: Someone who had 3 Katanas, a Kurikara Katana, 2 Tactical Knives, who ran away and got tased, and avoided the cuffs being placed on them. 

Sentence: Possession of Major Illegal Weaponry 4x, Possession of Minor Illegal Weaponry 2x, Evasion, Resisting Arrest

Bail: 830,000.

They are in jail for 6 OOC Months, and 5 OOC Days until bail


What should you do if someone comes in and wants to bail a character, however the character needs 5 OOC Days in order to be eligible to bail and it's only been 3 OOC Days?

Tell them that they must wait 2 days before they are able to bail the character, you CANNOT let them bail early. 


What is the command to pay taxes? (DO NOT CHECK)

/taxpay [AMOUNT]


Name three chores involved in community service.

Shoveling snow, sweeping dining-area courtyard, cleaning the tombstones, and watering the flowers in the garden are four of the community service chores.