Receipt Submission
Receipt FAQs

What is the preferred method of paying for a purchase?

asking the vendor to invoice Matriculate


Under what class does reimbursement for a monthly staff lunch fall under?

General & Admin


How do you code a gift card?

Gift cards should be coded for what they will pay for (i.e. if you purchase gift cards so students can buy food, they should be coded as food).


When are receipts for credit card purchases due?

No later than the end of the month in which you made the purchase


Who do you have to request approval from for every purchase you make?

The budget owner


What should you do if the account or class you are looking for is not available in the drop-down list in Expensify?

You should never write in their own classes or accounts. They MUST select from the drop-down.


Who is responsible for collecting receipts?

The person making the purchase is responsible for collecting and uploading the receipt into Expensify. If you are managing an event or training, you must assign someone to get receipts (hotels, restaurants, vendors, etc.)


Within what time frame will reimbursements be issued and through what platform?

Reimbursements will be issued via Bill.com 2-3 weeks after your submission of the expense report.


What should you do if you need the Matriculate corporate credit card?

Email Lanthy, forward the prior approval, cc-ing the budget owner and approval@matriculate.org


What do you need to do if you are submitting a receipt more than 2 weeks after your purchase?

Send it directly to Taylor. If you submit it to Expensify, the system will essentially double count the expense.


What should you do with Lyft and Uber receipts?

Your receipt will be emailed to you, and you must immediately send it to Expensify (with mkerner@matriculate.org in the subject line.)


What is the approval request process for a purchase of $5,000-$9,999? (i.e. who do you ask and how?)

Email Madeline using the email template. Cc approval@matriculate.org


What is the approval request process for a purchase ranging from $501 - $4,999? (i.e. who do you ask and how?)

Email department head (i.e. Madeline, Rebecca, or Lanthy) using the email template. Cc approval@matriculate.org


What is the first step you should take after charging an expense to the Matriculate corporate credit card?

Email (or take a photo and email) the receipt to receipts@expensify.com with mkerner@matriculate.org


How should tips be handled?

Whenever possible, you should be getting a new receipt with the total amount charged to the card. If you need to write a tip in for a restaurant, then do so and upload the receipt with the tip and new total written in. If you are managing a student picking up food, you need to inform them that they are required to get a receipt with the tip or to write it in.


When do you cc approval@matriculate.org?

When requesting purchases $500 and over, and when requesting the credit card


When do you use the purchasing email template?

Any time you make a purchase above $500)


Within what time frame must expenses be submitted via Expensify? Does this also apply to cell phone bill reimbursements and monthly staff lunches?

Expenses must be submitted via Expensify within 30 days of incurring the expense. Receipts for cell phone reimbursements and monthly staff lunches are included in this policy. Receipts for these expenses will not be accepted late. Please do not submit multiple months of staff lunches or cell phone reimbursements at the same time.


What should you do when you lose or forget to get a receipt?

Follow up with the vendor immediately to get the receipt directly from them. If you cannot get the receipt by the end of the month in which you made the purchase, follow-up with Taylor for a missing receipt form. Frequent missing receipts may result in the suspension of purchasing rights within the organization.


What do you do if there are several credit card charges for one receipt on the credit card? Who owns this step?

You have to ensure that the total amount you have a receipt for and the smaller amounts on the report are equal.

You must upload the same receipt (with total amount) to the relevant items in Expensify.