Physical money (bills and coins)
Currency that can be traded for goods and services
The percent of tax on most things you buy
To make money is to ________ money
Buy now, Pay later
When you make money based on the money you have in a savings account
You buy a new shirt for $10 +tax. How much does the shirt cost?
You have $100 in an account and you make 20% interest. How much money do you gain?
Written on paper and given to another person
The money you borrow from the bank for a specific purpose
You buy groceries that cost you $26.00 before tax. What is the total after tax?
Two things you can do to make money
*Answers may vary
- shovel snow
- babysit
- sell things you don't use
Sent directly from your bank account to someone else
Keeping money to be spent at another time
You are buying new clothes and the total before tax comes to $45.99. What is the total after taxes?
$51.97 ($51.9687)
You have $2500 in a savings account and the bank gives you 15% interest. How much extra would you get?