What is a concrete method of payment?
If you have $10.00 to use at the store to get a snack, and you spend $7.00, how much money do you have left?
You asked for the newest video game for your birthday. Is this an example of a want or a need?
A family with a newborn baby might have ______ money to spend on wants.
Two components of everyday business.
Good & Services
What is a wireless method of sending money from one person to another?
You find a loonie, a toonie, and a quarter on the ground. How much money in total did you find?
True or False: Things that we need in order to survive such as water, food, and oxygen are examples of wants.
Before making a purchase, it's important to consider the environmental impact, such as if the item will be in a ______ within a year.
Monitoring prices before making a purchase is an example of being a _____ shopper.
Type of payment method that has an age restriction and specific requirements to obtain.
Credit Card
If you purchased a Lego set that was priced at $34.00 and paid with a $50.00 bill, how much change would you receive?
Using less, sharing, reusing, recycling, and/or caring for one's possessions are ways to ______ save your money.
You have the option the play in an Ice Hockey league, or a road hockey recreational program with your friends. If money is a concern, which program would be best?
Road Hockey
The four steps of a consumer should consider before making a purchase.
Price, ratings, reviews and perspectives.
If you exchange a Pokemon card for a Yu-Gi-Oh card at lunch time with your friend, this would be an example of ________.
You go to the book fair at school and buy a cool pencil for $1.00 and a poster for $2.50, what bill would you use to get the least amount of change back from the cashier?
$5 Bill
If you gave $50.00 to a Children's Mental Health program, what would this be an example of?
If you have the option to make a pasta dish at home or eat out at a restaurant, which option would likely be less expensive?
Pasta dish at home.
Comparing the prices and quality of similar products or services if a way to determine if something is _______ _______ (two words).
Reasonably priced.
If you were to pay your friend back $16.00 for lunch they bought you last week, would you pay them back using e-transfer or credit card?
You made $35.00 at a lemonade stand this past summer. Instead of spending it, you put it in the bank and it grew to $37.00. This is a form of _______.
A multi-generational household is more likely able to combine their ______ to help reduce _______.
Income, expenses.
You have the choice of buying one can of pop for $1.50, or 3 cans for $3.60, which is the better deal?
3 for $3.60