L & M
I & G
O, R, & S
E & F
D & T

Define Late Fee

What is Charge levied against a client for not paying a bill by its due date


Define Grace Period

What is Amount of time a creditor allows before charging extra fees


Define Overdraft

What is Writing a check for more than is in a checking account; the bank will charge a fee if this occurs


Define Emergency Fund

What is money set aside specifically for an emergency such as a major accident, or loss of a job; usually recommended at least 3 months' salary


Define Tax

What is a government fee on business and individual income, activities, or products


Define Loan

What is Something that is lent; allowed to be issued for a period of time; if the loan is money, it is often repaid with intrest


Define IRA

What is (Individual retirement account) - an investment with specific tax advantages that defers taxes on earnings until withdrawn


Define Retirement Plan

What is a plan provided by an employer or a self-employed individual for retirement


Define Estate

What is the assets and debts that a person leaves at death


Define Debt

What is something owed; usually measured in dollars


Define Minimum Payment

What is Smallest amount a consumer is required to pay on a revolving charged account in order to keep the account in good standing


Define Inflation

What is A general increase in the price of goods over time


Define Savings Account

What is a financial institution deposit account that pays interest and allows withdrawals


Define Financial Charge

What is total dollar amount paid for credit


Define Deposit

What is a sum of money put into a bank account


Define Mortgage

What is A long-term loan to by real estate land and the structures on it


Define Intrest

What is Money you are paid for lending money or the amount of money that is added to the money you borrow


Define Social Security

What is FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act), federal government program that provides retirement, survivor's, and disability benefits; funded by an income tax


Define Direct Deposit

What is the automatic transfer of salaries, wages, rents, benefits, and other sums, directly into the account of an employee or beneficiary


Define Mutual Funds

What is An investment tool that pools money of many shareholders and invests it in a diverse portfolio of securities such as stocks, bonds, and money market assets


Define Investment

What is Putting money into assets (like stocks, bonds, mutual funds, etc.) to help you reach your financial goals


Define Stock

What is an investment in a share of a company that is sold to the public


Define Diversification

What is spreading money across many different types of investments