Cricket is one of the most popular sport in Australia.
sports (flertal)
In may, there is a mad rush of climbers heading for the top.
May (måneder skrives med stort)
“I had to go home and revise for my A levels,” David said whit a smile on his face.
with (stavefejl)
Every Saturday, Harry always buys enough sandwich for all of us.
sandwiches (flertal)
Milly and Sandra is good friends.
are = flertal
It has been played in the country for more then 200 years.
than (then = tidsangivelse; på et bestemt tidspunkt eller efter noget)
Every year, hundred of climbers arrive at base camps at the foot of the mountain.
houndreds (flertal, hundredevis)
The idea was to offer customers something at a prize they couldn't refuse.
price (stavefejl)
The world's oldest wombat lives in australia.
Australia (landenavne skrives med stort)
Winnie were orphaned as a baby.
was (3. person ental)
Jeremy always new he would play cricket.
knew (new = ny, knew = datid af know; vidste)
Sherpas, the native people of the area, play important roles in helping there clients satisfy the ambition of a lifetime.
their ("deres" klienter, there er en stedsangivelse)
He started his own estate agency last year, and know his company has been valued at £12 million
now (now = nu - know = ved/at vide)
My brother travels around the world last year.
travelled - datid pga. "last year"
She has her own Facebook page and more then one thousand followers.
than (then = tidsangivelse, than = end)
Jenny Watson always has good results and Hannah Perry to.
too (to = til eller at - too = også)
Everest is the world’s high garbage dump.
highest (højeste)
He borrowed £7,000 from family members, and today he employ 12 people.
employs (3. person ental "he" = der skal -s på verbet)
Kevin thought how pleasant it would be to visit foreign country and meet new, interesting people.
to muligheder: enten indsæt "a" før foreign eller lav country om til flertal; countries
Catherine is the most generous than all my other friends.
more generous (than = sammenligning)
She made her debut for Australias national cricket team in the age of 16.
Australia's (genitiv / ejefald - nogens noget)
Here, many dead are caused by the thin air and bad weather.
deaths (dead = en tilstand, deaths = dødsfald)
Davis James, age 19, has become one of Britains youngest millionaires ever.
Britain's (genitiv / ejefald, nogens noget)
Not everyone has the dedicate and the talent to satisfy all the coach's demands.
dedication (forkert ord)
Peter took great pride in protect his younger brother.
protecting (strækker sig over en længere periode)