Spellcasting & Magical Abilities I
Spellcasting & Magical Abilities II
Magical & Fantasy Creatures
Fairy Tales

The most commercially successful magician in modern history, this illusionist has famously staged the disappearance of the Statue of Liberty, seemingly walked through the Great Wall of China, and has sawed many celebrities in half on stage. 

Who is David Copperfield?


Considered a precursor to modern chemistry, this medieval study sought to transform base metals into gold.

What is alchemy?


Usually thought of as black magic, this practice focuses on communication with the dead through summoning sprits or visions. 

What is necromancy?


Unlike the Narwhal, this horned creature is mythical and has been featured in legends, fairy tales, and other folklore for thousands of years.

What is a unicorn?


This magically poisoned food sends Snow White into a deep slumber after the Evil Queen convinces her to take a bite.

What is an apple?


This early 1900s magician was so famous for his ability to escape from straitjackets, handcuffs, and confined spaces that his name is synonymous with escaping or vanishing into thin air. 

Who is Harry Houdini? 


When a magic user speaks, sings, or chants a spell or ritual, it is usually given this name.

What is an incantation?


Most often seen as a trick by magicians or mediums, this spell or ability raises humans or other objects into the air.

What is levitation?


Despite this supernatural creature's existence in folklore across the world for hundreds of years, there is a wide variation in supposed characteristics, from an aversion to garlic and a lack of reflection to transforming into a bat or wielding mind-control powers.

What is a vampire?


In this children's fairy tale The Adventures of Pinocchio, a wooden puppet is punished for lying with a magic spell that causes this body part to grow every time he tells a lie.

What is a nose?


This magician's phrase, used primarily when opening hidden doorways or locks, comes from the same source material as Aladdin, One Thousand and One Nights.

What is "open sesame"?


This ability to transport matter or objects from one place to another instantly was proven to be theoretically possibly by a quantum researcher in 1993.

What is teleportation?


This board with letters, numbers, and simple words like yes and no is generally used to communicate with spirits.

What is a Ouija board?


A siren, usually depicted as a half-bird, half-woman creature, uses this to lure sailors to their deaths.

What is a voice?


Cinderella couldn't have attended the ball without help from this magical being who turned her pumpkin into a carriage, rats into horses, and servant's clothing into a gown and glass slippers.

Who was the fairy godmother?


Famous for performing with lions and tigers, this magician duo entertained audiences at The Mirage Casino in Las Vegas until 2003.

Who is Siegfried & Roy?


This disproven power to read minds or send thoughts between two people is often attributed to twins.

What is telepathy?


This psychic ability is what magicians claim to be doing when bending a spoon with only their mind.

What is telekinesis? 


Unlike a satyr, which is half-man and half-goat, this mythical creature is half-man and half-horse. 

What is a centaur?


In the fairy tale Jack and the Beanstalk, this creature tries to chase Jack down the beanstalk after he catches Jack stealing.

What is a giant?


This man may have started out as a professional magician, but he gained notoriety through work as a professional skeptic, debunking famous magicians on The Tonight Show and other public settings.

Who is James Randi?


This umbrella term for the practice of seeing into the future includes things like tarot-card reading, rune casting, horoscopes, and interpreting prophecies. 

What is divination?

This magical ability is all about changing one thing into another, from Jesus turning water into wine to a magician changing the color of a deck of cards.

What is transfiguration?


Originally found in Greek mythology and described as a monster that is part lion, part goat, and part snake, this creature has expanded in popular culture to include mash ups of many other animals as well. 

What is a chimera?


Rumpelstiltskin helps a poor miller's daughter spin straw into this material, in exchange for her first-born child.

What is gold?