Bible Characters
Sea Creatures
Bible Verse
Animal Facts
Bible Story

The two women in our Bible story from Week 2: Sharks

Who is Mary and Martha?


Seashells on the shore are empty and remind us of this important event

What is Jesus resurrecting on Easter and the empty tomb?


The key verse is found here in the Bible

What is Romans 8:39?


Sharks must do this to stay alive

What is keep swimming?


In the Bible story with Mary and Martha, this person was doing the better thing according to Jesus 

Who is Mary?

God instructed this man to go to Ninevah

Who is Jonah?


Although jellyfish have no spine, they remind us to do this

What is stand up for yourself and have a "backbone"?


This verse says these three things can't separate us from God

What is height, depth, nor anything?

By the time seashells reach the shore, they have this in common

What is they are empty and don't have creatures living inside of them anymore?


Jonah ran away from God's instructions to go to Ninevah and ended up spending three days where?

What is in the whale of a belly?

This man ran away from God and attempted to hide from him

Who is Elijah?


How are Christians different than sharks?

What is, sharks can't rest but Christians need to take time to rest and spend time with God. 


The main point of our Bible verse is to remind us this

What is that nothing we do could ever separate us from God and his love?


Female sea turtles only come out of the ocean for this purpose

What is to lay eggs?


David was sent to kill this giant in our lesson about shrimp

Who is Goliath?


These three men were sent to a fiery furnace when they wouldn't worship false gods

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego 


Coral reefs remind us of a church in this way

What is they are made up of many different people from different backgrounds and different ethnicities and races?


The fancy term for a group of fish is this

What is a school?


When Daniel refused to pray to false gods, he was thrown in here

What is the lion's den?


The king who threw three men into the fiery furnace when they wouldn't worship false gods

Who is King Nebuchadnezzar? 


Shrimp are tiny but mighty and remind us of this 

What is we are never too young or too small to shine God's light and make a difference?


Romans 8:39 says this

What is Neither height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus. 


Stingrays use their flat shape for this

What is to lay under the sand flat on the ground and sneak out on their prey?

Jesus told Simon to do this when they first met

What is cast his fishing nets into the deep water?