What is Art?
What is Theatre?
Critiquing Art
History of Art and Theatre

This genre of art depicts outdoor settings.

What is Landscape?


This is a live, collaborative form of Fine Art.

What is Theatre?


A type of line that moves side to side, and creates a sense of calmness.

What is Horizontal?


Originating in Paris, this is an ornate, decorative, and dramatic art movement, and it is very theatrical in order to impress and awe its audience.

What is Rococo?


This artistic movement challenged the traditions of fine art by including imagery from popular and mass culture.

What is Pop Art?


This is the 4th piece of a credit line.

What is the Medium?


This person is financially responsible for the mounting of a production.

Who is the Producer?


These three colors are considered the "Secondary Colors," because they are created by mixing the primary colors together.

What are Orange, Purple/Violet, and Green?


This is the current time period of theatre, and it is a culturally diverse, expanding, and technologically advanced form of theatre.

What is Contemporary Theatre?


This Principle of Art is created by repeated elements of art that create a sense of movement.

What is Rhythm? 


This type of art is distinguishable by its application of design to everyday objects to make them aesthetically pleasing. 

What is Applied Art?


This type of stage, often found at schools or colleges, is small in scale, and is versatile.

What is a Black Box Stage?


This is the way the human eye interprets light bouncing off of objects.

What is Color?


A form of theater in Japan that is still performed today, and is identifiable by its extravagant makeup and costumes, a unique kind of music and all-male cast.

What is Kabuki?


One of the most famous artists in the history of art, this man created about 2,100 artworks, most of which were created in the last 2 years of his life.

Who is Vincent Van Gogh?


This style of art depicts an object or person according to an accepted standard of beauty.

What is Idealism?


This is the second most important character in a play, and they have their own objectives separate from the protagonist.

Who is the Deuteragonist? 


This Principle of Design is created by combining elements in a way that highlights their differences and/or creates visual interest.

What is Contrast/Variety?


This moving stage, popular during the Medieval Times, was carried on a wagon as a way to capture the attention of a large number of viewers. 

What is a Pageant Wagon?


This term is used when referring to a drawing or sketch of a character's costume or wardrobe.

What is a Costume Rendering?


This style of art does not depict figures or objects.

What is Non-Representational?


This type of comedy aims at entertaining the audience through situations that are highly exaggerated, extravagant, and thus improbable.

What is a Farce?


This is the third step of the Critiquing Process, where a work's mood, meaning, or intent are discussed.

What is Interpret?


An art movement in painting which seeks to capture a feeling or experience rather than to achieve an accurate depiction.

What is Impressionism?


He is known as the "Father of Realism," and wrote the famous play "A Doll's House".

Who is Henrik Ibsen?