Under the Sea
World Capitals

This website lets you watch millions of videos, from funny clips to how-to tutorials, and it’s one of the most popular sites in the world.

What is "Youtube"?


This invention, used to cool and preserve food, is a must in every kitchen and was first widely available a long time ago.

What is a "Fridge".


This activity involves creating a small structure out of sand, often at the beach.

What is a Sandcastle?


This creature is a member of the mollusk family and is known for its eight arms and ability to change color.

What is an "Octopus"?


The capital of France is this city, known for the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre Museum.

What is "Paris"?


This device is used to take photos or videos, and it’s found on most smartphones and computers.

What is a "Camera"?


This invention, created by Thomas Edison in 1879, changed the way people light their homes and workspaces.

What is a "Lightbulb"?


In this game, one player is "it" and tries to touch others to make them "it" while everyone else runs away.

What is "Tag"


This large marine predator is known for its powerful jaws and sharp teeth and is often referred to as the "king of the ocean."

What is a "Great White Shark"?


This city is the capital of Canada and is known for its Parliament Buildings and historic architecture.

What is "Ottawa"?


This type of device, like an iPad or Kindle, lets you read books, play games, and surf the web by touching the screen.

What is a "Tablet"?


This invention, created by Tim in 1989, allowed for the creation of websites and transformed how we access and share information.

What is the "The Internet"


This process, where plants turn sunlight into food, is essential for life on Earth.

What is Photosynthesis?


This is the largest fish in the ocean and is known for its gentle nature and filter-feeding habits. 

What is a "Whale Shark"?


This city is the capital of the United States and is known for the White House and the Washington Monument.

What is "Washington, D.C"?


This landmark video game, released in 1980, features a yellow character that eats pellets and is chased by ghosts in a maze.

Who is "Pac-Man"?


This invention, by the Wright brothers in 1903, was the first powered aircraft to achieve controlled, sustained flight.

What is an "Airplane"?


 This is a large, colorful bubble made by blowing air through a soapy liquid, often with a plastic wand.

What are Bubbles?


This species of fish, known for its vibrant colors and pattern, is often found in coral reefs and is a popular aquarium fish. 

What is a "Clownfish"?


This city is the capital of Spain and is famous for its historic sites and lively plazas

What is "Madrid"?


This device, often used in schools, projects the screen of a computer onto a larger surface, like a whiteboard.

What is a "Projector"?


This invention, first demonstrated by a man in 1895, allows doctors to see inside the human body without surgery.

What is an "X-ray".


This game involves using chalk to draw a grid for four players on the ground where players toss a ball or beanbag and then retrieve it by letting it bounce once without stepping on the lines.

What is 4-Square?


This deep-sea creature is known for its ability to produce and emit light and often has a "lure" to attract prey.

What is an "Angler-Fish"?


This city is the capital of South Africa and is known for its stunning Table Mountain.

What is "Cape Town"?