Withdrawal Policy
Academic Honesty Policy
Transient Student
Keeping Hope/Zell Miller
Academic Resources
What is the difference between withdrawing from a course and dropping a course?
Dropping a course is done during Drop/Add week and it does not appear on your transcript, no grade is assigned, and it is not considered as hours attempted for financial aid. Withdrawing from a course is done after Drop/Add and you get a grade of WP or WF that goes on your transcript.
What are two examples of Academic Dishonesty?
Plagiarism; Unauthorized assistance; Lying/Tampering; Theft; Other;
What is a transient student?
A transient student is one who has been given approval by his or her home institution to attend another academic institution for a specific semester/session.
What is the minimum GPA to keep HOPE/Zell Miller Scholarship?
3.0 for HOPE; 3.3 for Zell Miller
Where is the Academic Resource Center located?
Milledge Hall ARC offers tutoring in: ACCT 2101, 2102; Accent Training; BCMB 3100; BIOL 1103, 1104, 1107, 1108; CHEM 1110, 1211, 1212, 2211, 2212; CSCI 1302, 1302; Chinese; ECON 2105, 2106; ESL Conversation; French; German; Italian; MATH 1101, 1113, 2200, 2250, 2260, and higher upon request; MSIT 3000; PHYS 1111, 1112; Spanish; STAT 2000; Study Strategies; Writing (application essays, articles, dissertations, papers, statements of purpose, and theses)
When is the withdrawal deadline? A. October 23rd B. November 14th C. October 31st D. November 7th
A. October 23rd
Every UGA Student has signed the Academic Honor Code which states, "I will be academically _____ in all of my academic work and will not tolerate academic ______ of others.”
I will be academically HONEST in all of my academic work and will not tolerate academic DISHONESTY of others.”
Can you enroll in another college the same semester that you are taking classes at UGA?
Yes. Ex. Online Classes and Community College
How many attempted hours will HOPE/Zell cover?
How many libraries does UGA have? And name them.
4. Main Library, Science Library, Law Library, and Russell Special Collections Library
How many WPs can you get before you automatically get WFs when withdrawing from a course?
A student found in violation by the Academic Honesty Panel must receive either a "0" or the lowest possible grade on the academic work under the grading system for that course. In addition, what is one other consequences that must be assigned?
1.Final course grade of "F". 2.Placement of a dishonesty transcript notation which states: "Academic Honesty Violation as Determined by the Office of the Vice President for Instruction," which must remain until the student is not enrolled as a student at the university and two years after the date upon which the Academic Honesty Panel entered its final decision. 3.Suspension. 4.Dismissal. 5.Expulsion.
Can Hope/Zell Scholarship go towards the classes that you take outside of UGA?
Are AP/dual-enrollment hours considered in your overall HOPE Hours?
Nah, only courses taken after you've graduated from high school.
What is the name of the website where students can see the courses they need to take to graduate?
Will you get refunded for that course after withdrawing?
The student has a choice to have a facilitated discussion after he or she is suspected of violating the Academic Honesty Policy. Who all is present during this discussion and if you decide not to have one what happens?
You, your professor, and a third party mediator; If you choose not to have a facilitated discussion an Academic Honesty Panel will determine if academic dishonesty occurred and if so, they assign the appropriate sanction(s) for the violation.
What is one thing that you will definitely need in order to be a transient student? A. Transcript from UGA B. Transient Letter C. Letter of Recommendation D. Transient Application
B. Transient Letter
Can you lose HOPE and then regain it?
Yes, but you can only regain it once.
Where is the UGA Writing Center located?
Park Hall, Room 66; Science Library, Room 201; Miller Learning Center, Room 302
A reduction in hours, caused by withdrawing from a course, might result in the loss of full-time student status at UGA. How many hours are needed to be considered full-time and what are three things that may be affected if you lose this status?
12 hours; Financial aid, scholarships, Athletic and ticket eligibility, University housing, use of University resources/Access to University facilities, immigration status for international students, or Veterans Educational Benefits.
What is the protocol after a UGA Professor reports that he/or she believes that you may have violated the Academic Honesty Policy? Three Steps
1. The student will be contacted by the Coordinator for Academic Honesty by email 2. A facilitated discussion will take place between you, your professor, and a third party member. (If you choose to have this) 3. The instructor and student reach an agreement about the appropriate consequence(s) for a dishonesty violation
Where can you go to check if your classes will transfer to UGA and see if you will actually get credit for them?
UGA Undergraduate Admissions website. It is listed under "Transfer Equivalency"
When is your HOPE GPA checked to make sure it meets standards?
At the 30th, 60th, 90th hours and at the end of every spring semester.
What is the name of the Division of Academic Enhancement's program designed to help freshman to succeed?
Collaborative Academic and Retention Effort (CARE) "Participation in CARE involves creating a personalized improvement plan with an Academic Specialist who will help you review the barriers to your success and will assist you in your effort to gain an improved academic standing"