
The number of TREX events in 2024

What is 19?


The number of Tribal communities currently represented in the IPBN

What is 23?


The number of statewide networks currently supported to organize and work on community wildfire adaptation

What is 4? 


This program supported smoke readiness and related air quality efforts through 17 initiatives across 7 states

What is the Community Clean Air? 


Margo Robbins and Aja Conrad received this gift from Geese Bullock at the annual IPBN workshop

What are homemade baskets? 


The combined area stewarded by 33 landscapes collaboratives in the Fire Learning Network

What is 164 million acres? 


The number of countries where TREX or WTREX events occurred in 2024

What is 4?


186 attendees came from 25 Tribes and Pueblos across the Southwest, 9 federal and state agencies and 13 NGOs

What is the first Tribal Forest & Fire Summit?


A new toolkit launched in 2024, primarily with partners and funding from California, to help communities plan and implement a process for understanding the knowledge, lived experience, capacity and resources accessible to them before and after wildfire events

What is Community Mapping for Wildfire Resilience? 


The TREX event featured in the book, Ignition: Lighting Fires in a Burning World and attended by the author, M.R. O'Connor 

What is Loup River TREX?


His local saw shop began selling drip torches to private landowners and within three weeks had sold 7 torches

Who is Ben Wheeler? 


Five countries from which attendees in TNC's Latin America Region participated in the Fire Networks exchange to northern California in November

What are Chile, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia and Guatemala? 


The achievement Will Harling of the Western Klamath Restoration Partnership said "represented everything he had spent the last two decades working toward"

What is management of the 2023 SRF Lightning Complex? 


The number of users to the Fire Networks website in 2024

What is 23,000? 


This plan prioritizes treatment areas, identifies fire return intervals, and sets the stage to increase the use of fire on the ancestral territory of the Yurok people

What is the Kee’ we-Mech Yurok Cultural Fire Stewardship Plan?