This safety device detects smoke from fire?
A Smoke alarm
How do you put out a grease fire?
Smothering it by putting a lid or cooking sheet over it
Who do you call when there is a fire?
When not in use, all small appliances like toasters and coffee makers should be?
If you get a minor burn, what should you use to cool it?
Cool water ONLY
What should you never do while using the stove?
Leave it unattended
Where should you have Carbon Monoxide detectors in your home?
10 feet from each sleep area, on every level of your home, including the basement.
Where do you go if there is a fire at the PALS?
Follow staff directions
How often should you test your smoke detectors?
A - Every month
B - Once a year
A - Every month
What should be cleaned in the dryer after every use to prevent a fire?
the lint trap
Before going to bed or leaving the room, you should always do this if burning a candle?
Blow it out
If a grease fire occurs what should you never do to extinguish it?
pour water on it
Fireplaces should have this to stop sparks from flying into the room and prevent things from falling into the fire place?
Smoke and heat rises in a fire. When escaping a fire, you should do this to avoid breathing in toxic smoke?
cover your nose and mouth using your shirt, and stay low and go
What 4 things should you do if your clothing catches fire?
Stop, Drop, Cover your face, and Roll
What should you not do if your pet falls through the ice? Who should you call?
Not go out on the ice to rescue them by yourself, and call 9.1.1
After cooking food on the stove or in the oven, what do you need to make sure to do?
Make sure the oven or stove is turned off.
Who do you tell if you see a fire?
You should never put this material in a microwave?
While escaping a fire, when you reach a closed door, you should do this before opening it?
Feel the door with the back of your hand
When planning the shammy escape route, how many ways out of each room should you know?
2 ways out of every room
Where should smoke detectors be located in your house?
Up high on the ceiling
Fire needs what 3 elements to continue to burn?
Oxygen,Fuel, and Heat
What should you put on the stove?
Metal pots and pans ONLY
What is used to remove hot foods from the microwave?