Types of Firearms
Bullet Cartridge Comparisons
Automated Firearms Search System
Gunpowder Residue
Collection and Preservation of Firearm Evidence

These are the two categories that firearms can generally be divided into.

What are handguns and long guns?


This is known as the spiral grooves formed in the bore of a firearm barrel that impart spin to the projectile when it is fired.

What is rifling?


This is the year in which the FBI and the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) offered the law enforcement community competing and incompatible computerized systems.

What are the early 1990s?


Distance determination is crucial in the cases of __________________.

What are cases that involve gunshot wounds (murder, claims of self defense)?


This is the most important consideration with handling a weapon.

What is safety?


These are the two classifications of all handguns.

What are single action or double-action firearms?


This is how barrels were rifled prior to 1940.

What is by having one or two grooves at a time cut into the surface with steel hook cutters?


This is the name of the automated search system developed for the FBI.

What is DRUG- FIRE?


This is how garments are analyzed for gunshot residue.

What is examined under a microscope for gunpowder residue?


This is what will happen if you pick up a weapon by its barrel with a pencil or stick.

What is the alterations to the striation markings on test-fired bullets?


This is the number of rounds that can be shot at a time with a single-shot pistol.

What is 1?

When a bullet travels down the barrel of a gun it is twisted by the __________ and ___________ of the barrel.

What are lands and grooves?


This is the name of the program that was introduced to the discipline of firearm examination by the FBI and ATF.

What is the National Integrated Ballistics Information Network (NIBIN)?


This is how one would determine the firing distance in the absence of the weapon (if it was a missing shotgun).

What is by looking for recognizable characteristics around the bullet hole?


This is how one would free a bullet from target safely.

What is by carefully breaking away the surrounding support material while avoiding direct contact with the projectile?


These are the two examples of long guns.

What are rifles and shotguns?


This is the word used to describe the interior of the firearm barrel.

What is the bore?


This is the number of cartridge casings received in Rockville, Maryland at the ATF lab from the Ovcara mass burial in Bosnia.

What is 1,466?


This is the test that is used to examine patterns of gunpowder residues around bullet holes.

What is the Greiss test?


This is a technique that needs to be followed in order to safely and securely ship the weapon to the crime lab for examination.

What is by placing an identification tag on the trigger with the serial #, make, model , and investigator's initials?


This is the difference between a semiautomatic firearm and fully automatic firearms.

What is the semi automatic firearms fires one shot per trigger pull and the automatic firearm fires as long as the trigger is pressed or the ammunition runs out?


These are used as obvious points of comparison when examining bullets at the initial stages.

What are the number of lands and grooves and their rifling direction?


This is a benefit for the usage of ballistic fingerprinting.

What is usefulness in solving crimes?


This is how gunshot residue is determined in handguns and rifles.

What is by carefully comparing the powder residue on the victim's clothing or skin to the test patterns made by firing the suspect weapon at varying distances from the target?


This is how all items should be placed when trying to preserve gunpowder deposits from clothing.

What is bagged separately in paper bags?