First Aid - Cuts/Bleeding
What would you do?

When helping a person with any kind of bleed, what should we do before touching the person? 

Put gloves on 


  How many back blows and how many abdominal thrusts should you provided to a choking person? 

5 back blows, 5 abdominal thrusts 


What is anaphylaxis? 

Severe allergic reaction 


A sudden severe instance of abnormal heart function is what?

Heart attack 


When would you put someone into recovery position?

If someone is unconscious, but still breathing and has a pulse. 


What is a tourniquet and where on the body would you use one? 

Used to stop bleeding and cut off circulation to a part of the body. Can be used on arms or legs. 


What is the correct location to line up your hands when giving abdominal thrusts (child/adult)

Just above the navel (belly button) 


What is a potential trigger for asthma?

Exercise, temp, air pollution, stress, strong odors, allergies, respiratory infections 


Define Clinical Death

Heart and breathing have stopped. 

Your friend has a food allergy and begins to have an allergic reaction. They ask for help and begin to feel light headed. 

Ask for the epipen and apply it on the upper thigh (3 seconds)

How far above a wound should a tourniquet be placed on the leg? Should this ever be removed?

2 inches, no!


When we first approach a conscious person who we believe to be choking, we check the scene and it is safe, what should we do?

Ask the person, "are you choking" and "can I help you" 

How long should you hold an EpiPen in place after administering?

At least 3 seconds 


What is the difference between respiratory arrest and cardiac arrest 

Respiratory arrest - breathing stops 

Cardiac Arrest - Heart stops 


A person is feeling light headed after a workout. What would you do?

Help them to a comfortable laying or sitting position and monitor them


When helping a person with a cut and they bleed through gauze pad, what should you do? 

Add another gauze pad, never remove 


If a conscious choking individual does not give consent for you to help them, what should you do?

Not help, but monitor the situation and alert medical emergency


How long should you monitor an individual having an asthma attack? 

Until the person can breathe normally, or help arrives. 

Monitor 5-15 minutes after taking inhaler, if symptoms are not improving, or the person stops breathing call 911 immediately. 


What are some symptoms of a person experiencing a heart attack? How can we help comfort these individuals? 

Pressure, squeezing in the center of the chest. 

Pain may spread to shoulders, arm, neck, back (typically left side). 

Pain may come and go. 

Sweating, nasuea, shortness of breath, weakness. We can help by removing tight clothing, comforting the person, getting emergency help activated ASAP. 


Someone in the lunch room starts wheezing and coughing weakly. They are conscious, but not speaking. What can we assume is happening? What do we do?

Partial airway obstruction - ask if they are choking/if we can help them. 


Should you ever remove an object from the body that is causing bleeding? 

No, bandage this in place. 


What is the most common thing for a conscious individual to choke on? Unconscious? 

Conscious - food or foreign object 

Unconscious - Tongue 


Where should an EpiPen be administered to the body? 

Middle of outer thigh (Upper leg) 


What does AED stand for? 

Bonus: What does CPR stand for? 

Automated external defibrillator 

CardioPulmonary Resuscitation 


A person is unresponsive, light pulse, not breathing. What would you do?

Call 911, 2 rescue breaths.