General First Aid
Plant Emergency Response
Weather Related First Aid

One thing you should treat every accident victim for.

What is: Shock

The program purpose

What is: ensure safety and health of all employees

What is a sure sign of frostbite?
Grayish-white patches on the skin.

Loss of breath could be due to three things.

What is: Environmental Toxins, Damaged airway and drowning.


Best way to try to stop severe bleeding

What is: Direct pressure.


Frequency of AED inspection.

What is: Daily
What is dehydration?
If a person gives off (breathing, sweating, urination, digestion) more water than he takes in, he is suffering from dehydration.

AED stands for:

What is: Automated external defibrillator


What are the three Medical Categories

What is: 1. Basic first aid, 

2. Non-life threatening; 

3. Potentially life threatening.


The Occupational Clinic we use

North Central Occupational Medicine

What are 3 of the ways to help a victim of hypothermia?
1. Take the victim into a shelter & get in warm, dry clothes. 2. Zip into dry sleeping bag or cover with blankets, coats. 3. Offer hot liquids (hot chocolate, soup). 4. Give water bottles filled with warm fluid to hold in the armpit and groin areas. 5. If possible, have the victim breate warm, moist air. 6. Be ready to provide other first aid, if necessary. 7. Seek medical attention for the victim.

Tramatic brain injuries are also known as

What is: Concussions


3 things you look for when doing a "quick assessment" of an injured person

What is: 1. Is he breathing? 2. Is his heart breathing? 3. Is there severe bleeding?


Name three potential Fort Dodge emergencies.

What is: medical emergencies, fire, spill or leak, power failure, bomb threat, work-place violence, severe weather

Name 5 steps to treating Heatstroke.
1. Move victim to cool, shady spot. 2. Cool any way you can: remove outher clothing & sponge w/cool water; cover w/wet towels; place in cool water; fan; etc. 3. Keep victim lying down w/head & shoulders slightly raised. 4. Monitor victim closely. 5. Get emergency help right away.

Three most common types of burns.

What is: First, Second and Third degree burns

"Good Samaritan Law"

What is: Laws that offer legal protection to people who give reasonable assistance to those who are, or whom they believe to be injured, ill, in peril, or otherwise incapacitated


The agency that Fort Dodge follows for training.

What is: The American Red Cross or American Heart Association.

Name 5 symptoms of Heat Exhaustion.
1. Pale, clammy skin 2. Nausea 3. Fatigue 4. Dizziness/fainting 5. Headache 6. Muscle cramps 7. Weakness

Device that clears chemicals or debris from eyes.

What is: eye wash station or saline solution