Allergic reactions
External bleeding

 What is an Epipen?

EpiPen is an auto-injector that contains epinephrine, a medication that can help decrease your body's allergic reaction


What are the type of Burns you can get?

First-degree burn,Second-degree burn, and Thrid-degree burn.


What is External bleeding?

when blood is leaving the body through some type of wound.


how can you get yourself into shock?

trauma, heatstroke, blood loss or an allergic reaction


What do you call something that can fly?

A bird


What should you do if the allergic reaction gets worse?

Contact for medical assistance (911 or the local emergency number) right away


What is a third-degree burn?

Third-degree burns involve all of the layers of skin and sometimes the fat and muscle tissue under the skin


What should you do if someone is bleeding?

applying direct pressure to the wound, maintaining the pressure using pads and bandages, and, raising the injured limb above the level of the heart if possible.


What is the treatment for shock?

Raise the patient's legs (unless they have fractures or a snake bite) above the level of the heart, with head flat on the floor.


What is the deadliest insect in the world?

The mosquito


What should you do if someone is having a minor allergic reaction?

  1. If the person develops an itchy rash, apply cool compresses and an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream.
  2. Watch the person for signs of increasing distress.
  3. Get medical help. For a mild reaction, a healthcare provider may recommend over-the-counter medicines, such as antihistamines.

What should you do if you get a First, second-degree burn?

Run under cool water for 10-20 mins


How do you recognize external bleeding?

  1. Visible wound, with or without an embedded foreign object.
  2. Pain from the skin surface.
  3. Loss of normal function in the site of injury.
  4. Pale, cold, and clammy skin.
  5. Fast heart rate.
  6. Low blood pressure.
  7. Dizziness or lightheadedness.
  8. Loss of consciousness.

what is Shock?

A critical condition brought on by the sudden drop in blood flow through the body.


What is fluffy and loves to purr and sometimes hates to be touched?

A Cat!


Allergic reactions are what?

Allergic reactions are sensitivities to substances called allergens that come into contact with the skin, nose, eyes, respiratory tract, and gastrointestinal tract.


Yes or no should you run cool water on third-degree burns?



If someone is stabbed in the stomach should you take it out Yes or No?

NO! Don't remove it as this could make the bleeding a lot worse.


What are the 4 signs and symptoms of shock?

  • Low blood pressure.
  • Altered mental state, including reduced alertness and awareness, confusion, and sleepiness.
  • Cold, moist skin. Hands and feet may be blue or pale.
  • Weak or rapid pulse.
  • Rapid breathing and hyperventilation.
  • Decreased urine output.

What is the top 1 strongest animal?

African bush elephant.


What 5 things should you look for to identify an allergic reaction?

  • a runny nose or sneezing.
  • pain or tenderness around your cheeks, eyes, or forehead.
  • coughing, wheezing, or breathlessness.
  • itchy skin or a raised rash (hives)
  • diarrhoea.
  • feeling or being sick.
  • swollen eyes, lips, mouth, or throat

What is the difference between first-, second-and third-degree burns?

first-degree burns: red, nonblistered skin. second-degree burns: blisters and some thickening of the skin. third-degree burns: widespread thickness with a white, leathery appearance.


What are the 7 steps of controlling external bleeding?

  • Ensure Safety‍ Before offering help, always assess the situation. ...
  • Assess the Severity. Determine the severity of the bleeding: ...
  • Call for Help. ...
  • Elevate the Wound (if applicable) ...
  • Apply Direct Pressure. ...
  • Use a Tourniquet (as a Last Resort) ...
  • Dress and Bandage the Wound. ...
  • Monitor to Prevent Infection.

What are the 4 types of shock?

Anaphylactic shock, Septic shock, Neurogenic shock, Obstructive shock


What animal kills over 500 humans a year?
