What is one of the possible ways to get burned?
Contact with heat, electricity, or chemicals.
What do you use to stop an allergic reaction?
What do you ask someone when they appear to be choking?
"Are you choking?"
What does heat exhaustion lead to?
Heat stroke.
What are elephant tusks made of?
What is the first step to addressing a burn wound.
Make sure the scene is safe.
What is in an Epi-Pen?
Where do you put your arms when you're doing the Heimlich?
Wrapped around their abdomen from behind.
List 2 signs of heat exhaustion.
Sweating, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, muscle cramps, feeling faint, fatigue.
What does PEMDAS stand for?
Parentheses, exponents, multiplication, division, addition, subtraction.
How do you cool down a burn?
With cool water.
What is the catch phrase to remember how to use an Epi-Pen?
Blue to the sky, orange to the thigh.
How do you position your hands when you're doing the Heimlich?
One in the form of a fist over the bellybutton with the other hand holding that hand.
How do you cool someone down?
Cool water
How many eggs are in a dozen?
True or false?
You can put ice on a burn to cool it down.
Where do you inject an Epi-Pen?
Middle of the thigh.
How do you support a baby when you're helping them while they are choking?
Support their head with your hand and the rest of their body laying on your forearm.
Where are optimal places to put a cool towel on the body to cool someone down?
Back of the neck, armpits, and groin.
How many items make up a couple?
After you cool down a burn what should you put on it?
True or false?
An Epi-Pen can be injected through clothing.
How many thrusts do you give a baby before flipping them over while helping them?
If you can't get the person to a cool body of water what should you do to cool them down?
Place cool damp clothing/towel on the back of their neck, groin, and armpits.
What planet in our solar system rotates clockwise on it's axis?